At the airport we fed him the only pain reliever in my flight bag, Excedrin, which has caffeine.
Delta says that although it has been experimenting with moving to an electronic flight bag program, no formal decision has been made to go to tablets just yet.
Clark says the initiative is designed to not only save American money but, since each flight bag is made up of thousands of pages that must be updated constantly, to be a valuable time-saver as well.
Critics, including flight attendants, insist bag matching alone won't work.
As Stewart was spelling out the rules of the plane, a flight attendant solemnly carried a full-length white garment bag from Nordstrom down the aisle, as if she were carrying the nuclear codes.
He's not above accosting strangers: When he noticed on a recent JetBlue flight that his seatmate, a teenager, had a bag of Pirate Booty, Ehrlich grilled him for 40 minutes to determine the young man's tastes and snack preferences.
He's not above accosting strangers: When he noticed on a recent JetBlue (nasdaq: JBLU - news - people ) flight that his seatmate, a teenager, had a bag of Pirate Booty, Ehrlich grilled him for 40 minutes to determine the young man's tastes and snack preferences.
It subsequently proved the prosecution claim that an unaccompanied bag went from Malta onto the Pan Am feeder flight.
Maybe a reporter (EMPHATICALLY NOT ME) could take a bag of high-tech doodads on a cross-country flight to New Mexico or San Francisco and try them out.
He used a self check-in kiosk to board the flight at Heathrow and was allowed through when the document was checked in the bag-drop area.
Colette Hume's cabin bag was first scanned after she checked in at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport for the QF107 flight to LA and New York on Monday morning.
She ordered hot tea, and the suit says the flight attendant brought her a cup of "extremely hot water" sitting in another cup which contained the tea bag and condiment packets.