The youngsters were sentenced, some for as long as 12 years and on thoroughly flimsy evidence.
Execution No 135, of Gary Graham, was done on the startlingly flimsy evidence of a single witness.
Mr Dowson said he had not seen the media reports, which he believed were based on "flimsy evidence".
America and others have urged Pakistan to repeal or amend the law, which provides for the death penalty against blasphemers on very flimsy evidence.
How could the case have been mounted on such flimsy evidence?
Their failure to inquire further puts one in mind of ostrich tactics of failing to inquire for fear that the inquiry might reveal stronger evidence of their scienter regarding the authenticity of the confidential source than the flimsy evidence of scienter they were able to marshal against Boeing.
FORBES: Judge Posner, 7th Circuit, Take on Lawyers Behaving Badly
She said many cases were based on "flimsy" evidence as she told MPs that judges needed guidance from Parliament about the application of human rights legislation.
In a case governing advanced personal computers last summer and the recent decision to decontrol virtually all wire-bonders, the Commerce Department is allowing the most flimsy of evidence to serve as grounds for a finding of foreign availability even where the evidence is contested by the Defense Department and the intelligence community.
Some Malaysian lawyers claim the decision to prosecute was discriminatory and the evidence so flimsy that it hardly justified a court hearing, much less a conviction and such a harsh sentence.
But if the evidence is as flimsy as Mr Burrell's other stuff, that should blow over.
Many teachers at the time doubted the evidence on which this push to abandon traditional methods was based (and they were right, since the evidence was often flimsy).
Western diplomats agree that some of the evidence against them looks flimsy, and in some instances may even have been fabricated.
That may be because the evidence against her is flimsy, or because it is too bad (or too secret) to present in court.
And no matter how long they can deny using steroids, the evidence presented by Mitchell, no matter how flimsy or circumstantial, is a direct hit on their integrity.
The evidence marshalled against Mr Zedillo so far looks flimsy.
The defence can take heart from the fact that for many jurors, and Ms Jordan in particular, evidence of the defendants' criminal intent seemed flimsy, as it did to some outside observers.