• Automakers believe currency exchange rates should be established in the floating market, not by government intervention.

    FORBES: Detroit Seeks White House Help

  • When completed, sometime over the next decade, Sepang Goldcoast will have resorts, amusement parks, a marina, floating market and wildlife habitats.

    BBC: The Maldives meets Dubai, in Malaysia

  • The rest of the world would gravitate toward this, taking more local currencies off the floating market and pegging them to the world's fiscal superpowers.

    FORBES: One World, One Dollar

  • The floating market will close on 2 September.

    BBC: Boutiques barge into the Olympics

  • His wife, who had been most excited to see the Floating Market, slept even through dinner, for he remembered a meal in the hotel with only Romi and Ruma, in a solarium overlooking a garden, tasting the spiciest food he'd ever had in his life as mosquitoes swarmed angrily behind his children's faces.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Unaccustomed Earth'

  • Salomon Brothers Emerging Market Floating Rate Fund buys adjustable-rate bonds from emerging-market companies and countries.

    FORBES: Fixed Income for Bears

  • The yuan, also known as the renmimbi, is not a free-floating currency so the market does not determine its value.

    FORBES: China Sends Message To Harry Reid; Weakens Yuan In Protest

  • And the boom crossed the Atlantic, with UK travel company Lastminute.com, lead by Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox, floating on the London stock market.

    BBC: Internet cafe in Beijing

  • The idea was a cold-turkey cure for endemic balance-of-payments problems, turning economic management on its head by floating sterling and letting the market dictate the exchange rate.

    ECONOMIST: Post-war Britain

  • Nor does Lloyds' official fall back position, of floating Verde on the stock market, look particularly appealing, because stock-market valuations of banks are lower in relative terms than even what NBNK has offered for Verde.

    BBC: Why Co-Op may be front runner for Lloyds�� branches

  • For one thing, it is hard to know how much companies have in fact lengthened the maturity of their debts because the interest-rate swap market allows them to swap those fixed bond payments into cheaper floating debt, a popular strategy in the investment-grade market.

    ECONOMIST: Better to feast on cookies than junk bonds

  • Unlike certain other hedge-fund managers, though, he has no interest in making another fortune by floating his firm on the stock market.

    NEWYORKER: Mastering the Machine

  • The experts I talked to say the chances of Tilton floating a new CLO in this market or raising a new private equity fund are slim.

    FORBES: Lynn Tilton's Financial Empire: More Details, More Trouble

  • Pegged rates are also susceptible to speculative attack, whereas a floating rate can adjust more smoothly to market forces.

    ECONOMIST: A kiwi conundrum

  • Now given we live in a globalised financial market, with free-floating exchange rates and no capital controls, how would you "do" financial repression?

    BBC: Business

  • The BOE, with a strong pound and a mortgage market that is almost entirely floating rate, is expected to go higher still, showing the Fed stimulative by contrast.

    FORBES: Wal-Mart Or Malpass?

  • The European Commission is forcing Lloyds to dispose of this operation, which is being rebranded as TSB, to promote competition, and that will still happen - by floating the separated business on the stock market.

    BBC: Will Co-Op pull out of banking?

  • Indeed, studies have shown that even when emerging-market economies say they are floating (as Malaysia, for example, used to), they tend to rely more heavily than the industrial countries do on interest-rate policy and foreign-exchange market intervention to limit actual movements in the exchange rate.

    ECONOMIST: Spoilt for choice | The

  • The Securities and Exchange Commission is floating several ideas about how to protect money market fund investors in the event of a financial panic.

    FORBES: Government to Tighten Grip on Investments, Again

  • One big difference is that Australia, unlike the East Asians before their currencies plunged, has a floating exchange rate which can adjust smoothly to market pressures.

    ECONOMIST: Down under

  • Swap-market participants exchange fixed rates for floating ones.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • Looking ahead, managers say capital continues to pour into the market from all quarters as investors look for floating-rate, wide-margin opportunities.

    FORBES: Year-end and January Analysis - US Leveraged Loan Market

  • Vodafone said it remained committed to floating the Australian operation and would "continue to monitor market conditions in order to assess the optimal timing for the transaction".

    BBC: Vodafone pulls Aussie float

  • In the first tier of sanctions, Chinese nationals and state-owned enterprises would be barred from securing U.S. bank loans or floating bond offerings on the U.S. debt market.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • By floating the company, it fatally weakened its ability to reform the market.

    ECONOMIST: Enel’s not-so-new look | The

  • For instance, the bank 80% owned by taxpayers, Royal Bank of Scotland, has announced it is floating some of its US business, Citizens, on the stock market and selling a further stake in the insurer Direct Line.

    BBC: Who can boss the banks?

  • In the swaps market, in particular, it seems more attractive to receive floating interest rates and to pay fixed rates.

    ECONOMIST: Nothing to fear but fear itself

  • He thereby acknowledges that at least for economies with small financial sectors floating exchange rates are feasible in the long run only if capital-market integration is slowed down.

    ECONOMIST: It all depends

  • Billionaires have been trading multimillion-dollar real estate with tremendous zeal in recent years, slapping down record sums for trophy homes while quietly floating other properties in their portfolios through brokers in unofficial, off-market offerings.

    FORBES: The Most Expensive Billionaire Homes In The World

  • Money market mutual funds are exempt from SEC requirements that mutual funds maintain floating net asset values.

    FORBES: Framing the Money Market Mutual Fund Debate

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