Mimi is a tanned, skinny woman in a floppy hat with a little dog and a fabulous purse.
It had no mouse or hard drive, 512K of main memory and two floppy drives.
Why did his shoulders squinch together and his floppy lips twist up at the corners?
Some viruses infected floppy disks so that systems were infected when the disks were read.
This trick might help: Compare the commands in the floppy's config.sys and autoexec.bat files.
Stick a CD-ROM in your drive, put the floppy in drive A:, and reboot.
Insert a floppy disk, then open My Computer, right-click the A: icon, and select Format.
Then remove the floppy, reboot, write-protect the floppy, and store it in a safe place.
The school had no floppy drives and the students could not afford memory sticks.
He didn't seem too flip-floppy, he was clear and concise, and his haircut was pretty decent.
On the lower slopes, three elderly gentlemen are sharing a large floppy skin full of red wine.
Don't be sad knowing that the floppy's story ends with a whimper, rather than a bang.
ENGADGET: Writer breaks down floppy drive history in detail, recalls the good sectors and the bad
Plus: videocassette players, portable video recorders, the now-ubiquitous Walkman and 3.5-inch floppy disk drives, launched in 1980.
Elbert Hubbard was a Gilded Age original, his eccentricities exaggerated by a Dutchboy haircut and ubiquitous floppy tie.
Under Jobs' leadership, Apple has helped usher in now-common features like the mouse and the 3.5-inch floppy disk.
Funny white men in floppy hats and red faces attract attention in Africa at the best of times.
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The author's jacket photograph shows a decent-looking, moustached man in a floppy hat, fishing waistcoat and chest waders.
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They flock to appearances by the hosts, who scrawl autographs on floppy disks.
He had on a black sack suit, a cotton shirt with collar points, and a floppy black bow tie.
They considered everything from computer hard drives to obsolete floppy discs, and x-ray films to microchips on credit cards.
He had floppy, parted hair, and introduced himself as Li Xingshun, our guide.
We had dot-matrix printers, and floppy disk drives and cassette tape players strewn across every desk in our house.
"We don't have these big old floppy ears up here, " Mr. Johnson said.
Mrs Hathaway was shown her son when her husband brought him to her and he was floppy and not breathing.
Windows 1.0 only required a minimum of 256 kilobytes (KB), two double-sided floppy disk drives, and a graphics adapter card.
For instance, the Newer Technologies iMac floppy drive cited above will sport some old-style Mac printer connectors on the back.
WSJ: Apple Unveils iMac, A Fast and Potent PC With Sleek New Look
If a firm sells software on floppy disks then the number of blank disks purchased can be used to verify sales.
Apparel and accessories that are too tight, too loose, too heavy, too high or too floppy can all create health issues.
WSJ: Tight Ties, Killer Heels: Clothes Make the Fashion Victims
The chef, her face barely visible under her floppy white hat, stamped her foot, forward then back, two or three times, an impromptu metronome.
The forest landscapes are fabulously rendered, the characters innovative -- ranging from huge, shape-shifting beasts to floppy little Dali-esqe forest dwellers.