But if the weavers' craft is flourishing, many in the local fishing community are suffering.
That said, economic growth is key to the flourishing of individuals, families and nations.
Businesses are actually flourishing, despite the prolonged economic downturn and slow recovery that we are experiencing.
Trust is the foundation of entrepreneurship, without which no start up has a chance of flourishing.
All the same, the market that trades in the probability of their failure is flourishing.
Protected by its relatively large budget, the 1970s saw Panorama flourishing in this decade of strife.
The formula for economic flourishing simply demands a close correlation between effort and reward.
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From Beijing to Bangalore, from Seoul to San Paolo, new industries and innovations are flourishing.
The government is also attempting to reorganise the country's flourishing, and poorly regulated, adoption industry.
Opportunity obviously never gets old, and beauty is always opportune flourishing in its own season.
But hiphop and rap were flourishing, angry lyrics being shouted out of Magnolia and St.
Years of Taliban rule and war took a toll on the country's once-flourishing music scene.
Hi-tech firms flourishing, corporate headquarters from multinationals ticking over, hundreds of small enterprises struggling away.
BBC: UK GDP: 'I didn't think getting a job would be this hard'
The private sector is flourishing and money is pouring in from the Somali diaspora.
As a general rule, so jaw-breaking a proliferation of acronyms and initials reflects flourishing economic ties.
He had a clear idea of what was conducive to human flourishing and what conspired against it.
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Many have grown rich in construction, retail and banking, industries that are flourishing in this oil-rich country.
As Lawson observed, in late 1970s England, the high rates of taxation created a flourishing tax-avoidance industry.
When it comes to flourishing evergreen memories, this week's escape is at the top of the tree.
Challenges create opportunities in the chip industry, which is why the French silicon maker Soitec is flourishing.
Today they are flourishing in the emerging world's dynamic economies and striding out onto the global stage.
Small firms are flourishing, and bigger companies such as DaimlerChrysler and Biogen are moving into the area.
That makes it no less conducive to a flourishing society, no less to be praised and encouraged.
There and elsewhere, mobile wallets and mobile-driven consumer interaction schemes are flourishing in ways that define mobile commerce.
Not only that, but by the time I wrote about him he was not only back but flourishing.
Every human being has the right to be happy, fulfilled and to live a flourishing and meaningful life.
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They want the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, to stem a flourishing trade in dirty money.
The more important is a package of reforms, without which Ukraine's cash-strapped economy has no chance of flourishing.
An informal taxi industry sprung up to serve them, flourishing in the 1980s despite harassment by the authorities.
However, the Kielder survey showed species including pipistrelle, Natterer's, Brown long eared, Daubenton's, Whiskered, Brandt's and Noctule all flourishing.