It looks like something from another planet, dotted with flax bushes that grow triffid-like flowering spikes.
They sport silver-pink "branches, " made from twisted steel, and are covered with flowering climber plants.
And these flowering gifts from the past can be powerful medicine--but handle with care.
Valerian is a flowering plant used for centuries as a remedy for insomnia and anxiety.
The recent Flowering Spade is Hayes' fifth album, but it's his first bona fide studio recording.
What is unusual about the Lloyd saga is that it had a late flowering.
America has been both proud and defensive about the flowering of its art in the post-war years.
This paradigm shift has led to a flowering of innovation and transparency around quality, access and impact.
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Great company, but it is overdue for the disappointment phase (leading to full flowering) that most companies endure.
The rich, sickly smell of night-flowering jasmine swamped his lungs, and all of a sudden he had trouble breathing.
What followed was the greatest flowering of innovation the world has ever known.
The path climbed again, up onto Firle Down, past teasels flowering purpley blue.
The rise of banking has often been accompanied by a flowering of civilisation.
From rigorously sculpted grounds to profusely flowering rustic settings, he bends his personal tastes to those of his clients.
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Others fear that the current flowering of competition among stock indices may backfire.
The 20th-century flowering of Third World "folk arts" has been driven largely by Western demands, materials and technologies of production.
Mention fennel pollen, the potent granules harvested from the buds of flowering fennel plants, and they may make an exception.
The six-month apple season, from spring flowering to the last harvest in late September, brings people flooding into Himachal Pradesh.
In the Rio Grande valley cotton farmers worried that the lack of sunshine would prevent this year's crop from flowering.
Mr Fowler said one example was whether a plant displayed a good degree of heat resistance during its flowering period.
In warm weather, some leafy greens need to be replaced because they "bolt" flowering, going to seed and acquiring a bitter taste.
Greens say that one of the latest victims last month was the world's biggest flowering hardwood tree in Tasmania's Florentine Valley.
It should provide a nice contrast to the monocolor that many yards become by summer, once the spring-blooming trees are done flowering.
WSJ: The Inside Stories of This Season's New Plants--WSJ Weekend Gardener
What caused this diversification is not known for certain, but it coincides with the rise of the flowering plants, which is suggestive.
Pfizer was studying cytisine, a toxic chemical found in the coffee tree and in flowering Chinese shrubs, as a potential antinicotine drug.
Gifts from grandma, sure, but today UPS is more about serving the small-lot shipping needs of a nation flowering with eat-and-sleep entrepreneurs.
It's no coincidence that the entrepreneurial flowering of the 1970s forced a managerial revolution in large companies during the 1980s and 1990s.
Farmers can adjust to earlier planting times, perhaps avoiding some extreme temperatures during the sensitive flowering period, and lengthening the growing season.
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National Park Service spokeswoman Carol Johnson said the flowering trees are still expected to reach peak bloom between April 3 and April 6.
The potential is so great that this worldwide flowering of technical talent could well offer one solution to the world's current economic crisis.