You will also be given some shoes by your attendant - either traditional wooden clogs or fluorescent flip-flops.
He was wearing dark trousers, which possibly had a logo on them or fluorescent markings.
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She stood in the fluorescent-lit waiting room of Lenox Hill's ICU, her arms crossed.
It was the bare, fluorescent-lit concrete platform outside that added to the suggestion of imprisonment.
Two lasers read fluorescent chemical tags that have been attached to the DNA molecule.
Skiers, flushed and sweaty in fluorescent powder suits, swooshed by, shouting in German and French.
The green fluorescent protein was originally used to discover whether genes were present at all.
Scientists who want to insert green fluorescent protein into cells are no longer restricted to green.
So do not be distracted by those fluorescent safety jackets and white hard hats.
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The family is using compact fluorescent light bulbs and hanging its laundry outside to dry.
They also inserted a gene that produces a fluorescent protein called GFP, Nature Methods journal reports.
I'm wearing a fluorescent jacket, I'm the father of two small girls on a folding bicycle.
Nineteen years later, Mandy semi-survived, had three months clean, some fluorescent key-ring tags to prove it.
But for the incandescent aficionados, fluorescent lights tend to be associated with morgues, prisons and tenement hallways.
Pete Keller works for Eco Lights Northwest, the only company in Washington state that recycles fluorescent lamps.
Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, could work nicely as replacements for incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
It uses rows of light-emitting diodes that cost only 3 cents each to stimulate the fluorescent tags.
The best-known green-home technology must surely be the compact-fluorescent light bulb, the very icon of green living.
This happened in Japan, where low-energy fluorescent light now accounts for more than 95% of residential lighting.
Dentists say sipping fluorescent-colored sports drinks, carbonated beverages and citric fruit juices bathe the teeth in harmful acids.
Philips' Van Schooten said that initially, prices of its LED tubes will still be higher than fluorescent lights.
And finally, we received a flood of e-mail about my story last week on compact fluorescent light bulbs.
The upper rows of boxes have fluorescent pink and yellow Post-it Notes in the m scribbled with answers.
They typically last 50, 000 hours, compared with 10, 000 for a compact fluorescent and 1, 000 for an incandescent bulb.
Compact fluorescent bulbs have become a popular alternative, but LEDs have the potential to be twice as efficient.
Scientists at Edinburgh University took adult stem cells from mouse brains and marked them with a fluorescent tag.
They walked into a windowless room with shabby carpets, fluorescent lights, and three rows of metal folding chairs.
They do not need fluorescent labels and will probably not require amplification, either.
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The clinic's solar-powered batteries are able to run only one at a time, along with some dim fluorescent bulbs.
Flavin dabbled in Abstract Expressionism himself before turning to Minimalism and, ultimately, his signature fluorescent motif in the 1960s.