An Abbottabad resident even tweeted about the unusual sound of helicopters flying over the city in the middle of the night.
"We're trying to create the illusion that you are flying over the city, almost as if you were in your own personal helicopter, " said Peter Birch, another product manager.
Industry undertook a multimillion-dollar campaign, flying banners over the city and plastering ads over the subways.
Mr Robinson said the controversy over flying the union flag at Belfast City Hall had been a "disaster" for Northern Ireland.
That is the same advice that was given over flying the union flag every day at city hall.
Last December, the council voted to restrict the flying of the Union flag over city hall to designated dates.
It shows a futuristic space craft flying around the world and eventually over a city.
The Lagan Valley MLA Basil McCrea is due to face an internal disciplinary hearing for publicly criticising his party's stance over flying the union flag at Belfast City Hall.
Although the union flag is flying over Belfast City Hall, it has not been raised over Parliament Buildings, Stormont.
The DUP and the Progressive Unionists have submitted challenges to Belfast City Council over the decision to restrict the flying of the union flag.
The air was smooth and the air waves silent while we enjoyed the simple joy of flying over yet another landmark city.
He said a police helicopter was flying over the town, which is about 500km (310 miles) south of the main city of Dar es Salaam.
The restrictions over New York City prohibit any aircraft that is operating under visual flight rules from flying within 30 nautical miles of John F.
CNN: FAA restricts flights near nuclear sites, N.Y. World Series
Police in the northern Indian city of Allahabad have detained a photographer from France for flying "dangerously low" in a helicopter over the Kumbh Mela festival.