But arriving so late in the US means that the newcomer will find a market where digital music consumers already have plenty of choice, from Pandora to last.fm, from Rdio to Rhapsody.
There is no set date for the switchover from FM to digital radio although the government is keen for it to happen in 2015.
Two years and presumably zero replies later, a young Joe Belfiore introduced Buy From FM along with the Zune 3.0 software, which Ed says directly infringes on his patents -- and his lawsuit, filed ten days ago, asks the court to permanently stop sales of the Zune and award him triple damages in cash.
Sadly, the "buy from FM" feature quickly reminded us why we can't stand music radio, and while we could easily get the meta data for the station we tuned to, specific (or sufficient) song data was more rare -- on our fourth or fifth try we finally nabbed Rod Stewart's Maggie May, and the actual download process was painless.
Looks like someone at Microsoft should be paying slightly more attention to the mail: an ophthalmologist (yes, that's right) in Illinois named Edward Yavitz is suing Redmond over the Zune's Buy From FM feature, saying he wrote the software giant a letter in 2006 that disclosed his two relevant patents on the tech, suggested how it could be integrated into the Zune, and asked for a deal.
As I write, Labour's Johann Lamont is preparing to lodge a point of order demanding a statement later from the FM.
Yet, somehow, even the most technologically inept people in our lives have heard it mentioned on morning talk shows, FM radio stations or from pre-teens anxious to impress their friends.
Exfm sourced music data from Last.fm.
FORBES: Exfm: 3 Years Old And Still A Cool Tool To Discover Music On The Open Web
Adding inactivity to injury, this is especially true in locations where many people exercise accompanied to music, airplanes (hey, it's hard to return those seats to their upright positions), the New York City subway system, and the streets of cities other than Mountain View, CA. Indeed, most WiFi-friendly environments are also laptop-friendly and thus support access to not only Yahoo Music and its competitors, but high-quality free internet radio from last.fm, Slacker, and others.
FM, Ebay and GMail direct from the desktop.
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Mrs Saldanha answered the call from Sydney broadcaster 2Day FM in the early hours of the morning on 4 December and, believing they were members of the Royal Family, put them through to another nurse, who gave an update on the duchess's condition in detail.
BBC: Kate hoax: David Cameron pays tribute to Jacintha Saldanha
RadioWave is closer to (but still not quite reaching) what you'd get from a good-quality FM radio.
And with Songkick and last.fm - two firms to have emerged from London's startup scene - contributing apps to the new platform, yesterday's event was heartening evidence that European firms can work together to make a big noise in the global music industry.
TuneIn lets people listen to the world's music, sports, talk and news from wherever they are, with over 70, 000 AM, FM, HD and Internet radio stations and more than two million on-demand programs streaming from every continent.
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Auto-scan and save your favorite FM Radio stations and select your chosen station from the station logo at the touch of a button, or use the multi-source in-app media player to choose the soundtrack to your wake-up from your iTunes, Spotify account or network music.
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The base unit transmits signals across an unused FM frequency, and the user can select from numerous radio stations with the tuner, which also has a "Tell Me More" button that can be used to obtain more information about songs being broadcast, or even to purchase MP3 files or CDs.
Progress Kentucky removed the offending comments from Twitter after Louisville public radio station WFPL-FM aired reports about them.
Online and, increasingly, on mobile phones, there is fierce competition from music-streaming services such as Last.fm, Spotify and we7, which allow users to assemble their own playlists.
Roku's awfully proud of its Channel Store, which has over 75 channels from services like Facebook, Pandora, Last.fm, MLB.tv, and more, but installing almost every single channel involves logging into the respective service on your computer and linking the Roku player to your account.
With Spotify, Rdio, Pandora and Last.fm already doing that, what is going to set MySpace apart from the pack?
Celtic Music Radio, a station based in Glasgow that was recently awarded an FM licence, reports that 30% of its online audience is from outside Britain.
ECONOMIST: The unexpected rise of amateur radio broadcasting
Setlist.fm - A wiki-like service where you can share and collect setlists from all the shows you attend.
Like its predecessors, the MAS 102 offers CD playbacks, FM radio, and a host of analog and digital inputs to playback music from external devices.
By contrast the Sonos ZonePlayer S5, introduced earlier this month, is built to suck up music from an iTunes collection, Internet radio stations such as Last.fm and Pandora, or subscription music services such as Napster and Rhapsody.
Alright, first up we've got the catchily-named BCM20751, which performs the rather ordinary tasks of GPS, Bluetooth, and FM radio management but also throws in an audio processor to offload some work from the phone's primary CPU, which the company says can reduce battery consumption enough to improve playback time by up to 100 percent in some situations.
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To listen to music from the world's top DJs and learn more about Thefuture.fm, visit www.
He thinks the only antidote to hate radio is rival FM transmissions, run by locals who speak familiar dialects and cater to local interests, from farming to music.
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The music hub brings together music and video content from a user's PC, online music services and an in-built FM radio.
He criticised the Edinburgh Agreement (between the FM and David Cameron) on the grounds that it excluded "the Mother of Parliaments" from sorting such matters, shifting them instead to Westminster.
Turning from ancient history to more recent events, Lord Forsyth's point was that the FM had form: that he could not be trusted, as witness the episode of legal advice with regard to EU membership.