"What GE is doing on the Hudson and most of its PCB and Superfund sites around the country completely contradicts the image Immelt is trying to foiston the public, " says Alex F.
If a college professes to foiston its professors a three or even a four course teaching load, a closer examination will show far less because of reductions given for almost any reason.
Making matters worse still, Wall Street's most talented hucksters regard public pensions as possibly the dumbest institutional investors around and compete fiercely to foiston them the latest in over-priced money management services and toxic assets.
In the technology space, you simply must make better mousetraps rather than foist new contraptions on the market that do little to reinforce the virtues that once drove success.
Mr Rawls makes no retreat from his previous criticisms of unjust institutions when he argues that liberal-democratic governments may not use these coercive means to foist liberal democracy on decent but illiberal peoples.
States and localities aren't enforcing this tax on instate residents, but they want the federal government to foist the collection burden on online sellers outside their borders.