But on that day in 1984, something about this particular new guy made the normally remote folks on the floor pause for just a bit longer than usual, giving the new hire the once-over, nodding their heads in head-to-toe glances.
FORBES: The Day The Football Coach Walked On To Wall Street
Later this afternoon, President Barack Obama will address the dozens of attendees -- accomplished students and educators, as well as folks like Bill Nye ("The Science Guy"), Levar Burton (of Reading Rainbow fame) and Kathryn D.
And we saw the national debt double during the previous administration, which is why when I hear -- generally, I'm a -- I try to be a bipartisan guy, but when I hear some folks from the other party in Congress start howling about the deficits, I'm starting to think, well, where have you been?
WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall in Los Angeles
It's the sort of mix of appreciation and amusement that can only happen on the modern Web, evoking memories of insta-famous folks, from frustrated flight attendant Steven Slater to NASA "Mohawk Guy" Bobak Ferdowski to Lydia Callis, the hyper-animated sign-language interpreter for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who found Web fame during Superstorm Sandy.
CNN: Why the Web loves Cleveland hero Charles Ramsey
It's the sort of mix of appreciation and amusement that can only happen on the modern Web, evoking memories of insta-famous folks, ranging from frustrated flight attendant Steven Slater to NASA "Mohawk Guy" Bobak Ferdowski to Lydia Callis, the hyper-animated sign-language interpreter for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who found Web fame during Superstorm Sandy.
CNN: Why the Web loves Cleveland hero Charles Ramsey