Anthem-haters argue that Fifa should follow the example of Europe's Champions League which has its own song.
Follow the example of Steve Jobs and Apple using a simple tweak to fix a big problem.
He said we had to follow the example of Job and serve God though we did not understand him.
We should follow the example of a North Miami woman named Desiline Victor.
However, Egelstaff said she was unlikely to follow the example of Samuels by making an individual decision not to travel.
But he ought to, if he is to follow the example of the nation's top spiritual leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
We should follow the example of a police officer named Brian Murphy.
Lord Soley, another Blair ally, suggests he could follow the example of former US president Jimmy Carter, an international statesman and peace campaigner.
George believes the country can -- should it follow the example of others, such as Turkey -- restructure itself into a viable European economy.
Monday's announcement will open the door for Cilgerran and other communities to follow the example of Treleddyd Fawr on the St David's peninsula in Pembrokeshire.
Experts say more big-city papers are expected to follow the example of Gannett's Detroit Free Press, which started cutting back on print edition delivery in December.
Mr Salmond, who is Banff and Buchan MP, said Westminster should follow the example of the Scottish Parliament which no longer provides second homes for parliamentarians.
It says to boost the number of registered donors the UK should follow the example of Spain and the US and employ celebrities to raise public awareness.
The ProLife Alliance urged British doctors to follow the example of their counterparts in Italy, who are also dealing with a pair of conjoined twins who share a heart.
The American public should follow the example of the corporate leaders who came together to formally push on the Congress, and join together in bipartisan support for this legislative cure.
FORBES: Can The Fiscal Cliff Be Avoided With A Surprisingly Simple Solution?
European right-wing parties would do well to follow the example of the British Labour Party after the 1992 election and examine why so many women have stopped voting for them.
That is not enough to pay for pension promises, so funds decided to follow the example of Yale University, whose endowment diversified into hedge funds and private equity in the 1980s.
He said one of the problems was that children were not in school long enough, and called on more head teachers to follow the example of academies and extend the day.
At most it might be tinkered with (more states may follow the example of Maine and Nebraska and allocate their college votes proportionately rather than giving them all to one candidate).
And it may not be wise to follow the example of the man in the wool Union Jack cap who crashed Simpson's victory interview on NBC and cooed what sounded like a lonely seagull call.
Edward Parker of Fitch says that a Baltic crash might mean that some countries have to follow the example of Portugal, which has been stuck with high costs and low growth after an unsustainable boom.
That's why we'll follow the example of places like the Met Center in Rhode Island that give students that individual attention, while also preparing them through real-world, hands-on training the possibility of succeeding in a career.
Or one could follow the example of aviation and, more recently hospitals, in implementing checklists, or lists of steps to take en route to accomplishing certain procedures and the sort of things everyone has pat down.
They may even realise that they no longer need to make cars at all, deciding to follow the example of Cisco Systems, a data-networking firm, by becoming virtual companies whose expertise lies in design and brand marketing.
The Beijing News backs a proposal by the capital's mayor to follow the example of the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions and set up a joint air pollution control system between Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
As a result, it only seems rational that national union organizations, such as the AFL-CIO, SEIU and others, would follow the example of the International Association of Firefighters and swear off political contributions to federal-level politicos in favor of spending their money in support of state and local candidates.
FORBES: Unions To National Democratic Politicians: Who Needs You?
But Twitter will probably follow the example of other technology companies, basing its corporate headquarters in Dublin to take advantage of the tax rate (then hiring back-office staff) and setting up another branch in London where it can tap into a wider pool of folks who are highly skilled in software development.
Could the government continue to operate with a top marginal tax rate of 14 percent, even if we were to follow the Reagan example of cleaning up the tax code as a part of a massive reduction in taxes on upper earners?
FORBES: The Numbers Don't Lie-Why Lowering Taxes For The Rich No Longer Works To Grow The Economy
What they meant without saying so in so many words was why do the European policymakers not follow the obvious example of the U.S. policymakers.
FORBES: Fed Profits and Treasury Financing, the Good and the Bad