And therefore, we told American citizens to follow the instructions of the Japanese government.
So, if you're trying to use Napster to Go with the iRiver H10, and you're seeing the same problem, check out this thread and follow the second set of instructions (there are two on the page) to reformat your player, then re-transfer your NTG files and try again.
So, as always, we encourage folks all across the country to monitor weather reports and to follow the instructions of local officials.
"We ask that passengers follow the instructions of international security and flight crews, " the TSA said.
And my first message is to all the people across the Eastern seaboard, Mid-Atlantic, going north, that you need to take this very seriously and follow the instructions of your state and local officials, because they are going to be providing you with the best advice in terms of how to deal with this storm over the coming days.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks By The President on Hurricane Sandy | The White House
And finally, they learn to follow both the letter and the spirit of instructions.
In most states, the law requires families to follow properly-recorded written burial and funeral instructions of the person who passed, or at least allows the deceased person to name an agent in writing to carry out those wishes.
Hiring and retaining employees who have the ability to follow specific instructions but who can also make decisions within the scope of a specific care plan, not only empowers the employee, but the system as a whole.
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Therefore, it is very important for you to follow the instructions and direction of state and local officials.
So the more you can do to be prepared now -- making a plan, make a supply kit, know your evacuation route, follow instructions of your local officials -- the quicker we can focus our resources after the storm on those who need help the most.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers a Statement on Hurricane Irene
What if there were no costs, no strings attached, no hidden agendas, no complex curriculum, but just a simple set of instructions for you to follow over the next 5 days that will change your world as a leader?
On the side of the road, with traffic whizzing by, lights flashing and you incredibly nervous, they rattle off a series of instructions that they expect you to follow to the letter.
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