B35, the Castle Vale district of Birmingham, offered the highest standards of food hygiene.
Finally the committee looked at the scrutiny process for the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill.
The FSA officials expanded on plans for a consultation on the introduction of legislation for a food hygiene ratings scheme.
During the second half of the committee session, AMs turned their attention to scrutiny of the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill.
Bexley had six of the 10 worst postcodes studied for food hygiene.
The association says the bags are a graphic indicator of what can be needed if businesses do not take food hygiene seriously.
Some have also taken life guard, first aid, food hygiene and swimming pool management courses so they can help keep it going.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Vandals threaten lido's future
It is also expect to lead or share policy on food poisoning organisms, animal feed, food hygiene, genetically-modified food and other novel processes.
The claims suggested her department had closed the restaurant earlier in the year over food hygiene issues but she said this was not the case.
The report from October 2004 at the Heronston Hotel showed 19 contraventions of food hygiene rules including dirt on shelving, flooring and on a can opener.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Council release food report order
Ruth Watson, former star of The Hotel Inspector on Channel 5, hit out after The Crown and Castle in Orford was given a one-out-of-five food hygiene rating.
He made 24 recommendations in his report but said the requirements for food hygiene in place at the time of the outbreak should have been sufficient to prevent it.
The council has refused to release to the BBC details of food hygiene inspections at John Tudor and Son of Bridgend, the butcher at the centre of the E.coli investigations.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Council release food report order
The launch of the Food Hygiene Campaign coincides with the publication of the second annual Consumer Attitudes to Food study, which revealed an alarming rise in public concerns over food poisoning.
On 9 December, the commissioner ruled that the council should disclose the report, saying that a growing number of other councils routinely published food hygiene inspection reports on their websites after requests under the FoI act.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Council release food report order
"If anything was likely to have encouraged William Tudor to get his act together on food hygiene, it would have been the direct threat of failing to secure, or losing, what was a very significant contract, " said Prof Pennington.
"We would be keen to see any information or report that shows significant hygiene problems and will take the matter up with the local authorities involved, whose remit is to inspect and enforce food hygiene regulations within all catering businesses, " a spokesman said.
Food hygiene standards have been the subject of a number of other FoI requests to Bridgend council in recent months following the E.coli poisoning outbreak in south Wales which led to the death of a five-year-old boy and the infection of 157 other people.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Council release food report order
The market square outside Mi Tierra is suddenly alive with noise, colour and the aroma of muscular street food: the city is out in force to celebrate its Hispanic chilli queens, whose saucy banter and impromptu singalongs made every night a street party - until the 1930s, when the civic authorities despaired of their ribaldry and laissez-faire approach to food hygiene.
Mardini said the ICRC and the Syrian Red Crescent were delivering food and hygiene kits in two neighborhoods adjacent to Baba Amr -- al-Tawzee and al-Inshaat.
Initially UNESCO Islamabad is providing relief supplies of food and hygiene products to 500 women and their families who have been participating in an ongoing cultural handicrafts and livelihood project in Swat Valley (Khyber Pakhtoonkwa).
"In spite of the obligations incumbent on the Greek authorities... he spent months living in extreme poverty, unable to cater for his most basic needs - food, hygiene and a place to live - while in fear of being attacked and robbed, " the ruling said on Friday.
Consumer watchdog Which? compared Food Standards Agency hygiene ratings from January 2011 to March this year.
Breast-feeding advice, food supplements and better hygiene all make a big difference.
Mr Cunningham said the premises would be expected to meet the council's strict hygiene and food safety requirements and would be routinely inspected by officials.
Investigators from the Department of Health found no evidence that the outbreak of bird flu had anything to do with breaches in hygiene and food safety rules.
FORBES: U.K. Parliament Cries 'Fowl' Over Turkey Cull Payout
The regulations also allow for a range of exemptions on the grounds of hygiene and food safety, the protection of goods and consumers, and confidentiality in respect of bags for medicines.
Cotton has already lost out to synthetics in diapers, food service napkins, feminine hygiene products and facial wipes.
Wales' leading consumer organisation will call for an urgent transfer of legal powers to make it compulsory for food businesses to display their hygiene rating on their premises.
If street food frightens you, try New World Park, a spic-and-span modern hawker "mall" where you can often find families eating out for the night - always a sign of good hygiene - and food from across Malaysia.