Tens of thousands of food rations and sanitary packages have been handed out, Merten said.
Nearly three million packs of daily food rations are also being stockpiled and pre-positioned.
Carter handed them some food rations after hearing they had not eaten in three days.
But even here, our monthly food rations only feed us for a week.
The military distributed the same type of food rations in that country, which also were the same color as ordnance.
The committee said the funds would help Christian Aid to provide emergency food rations, distribute water and assist pregnant women and children.
So MONUC gives the Congo army food rations, fuel and air support.
He identifies, especially, the more transparent and efficient delivery of food rations to the poor, thanks to computerisation and the spread of ID cards.
Over the next month, Henry will continue with his training as he puts together his equipment, which includes layers of clothing, and military-style food rations.
However, they are nervous of the twin dangers of removing the farmers' subsidies and converting food rations, on which 60% of the population depends, into cash handouts.
Our expedition faced more than its share of difficulty: A long storm wiped out most of our food rations and an avalanche devastated our camp, obliterating our tents.
Not only did the Dutch keep meticulous records of their food rations during the war, but Dutch men, at least, were subject to psychological scrutiny when conscripted into the army, usually at the age of 18.
Shortly after the beginning of the U.S. bombing of Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan in 2001, possible confusion between bomblets and food rations prompted the U.S. military to broadcast warnings to inform people how to differentiate between bomblets and airdropped food parcels, both of which were yellow.
Britain had so far sent "tens of thousands" of rations of food supplies to the country, he told MPs.
Visiting athletes stayed in army camps and schools, and many teams brought their own food to supplement British rations (American "extras" included 5, 000 sirloin steaks).
Long lines of cars streamed by the community center, dropping off food, water and other rations throughout the weekend.
CNN: Texan town tries to rebuild with community, spirituality
Workers who are laid off will continue to benefit from free health care and education, heavily subsidised housing and transport and modest rations of free food.
Once recipients have bank accounts, India can follow the likes of Brazil and replace easily stolen benefits in kind, such as rations of cheap food and fuel, with direct cash transfers.
World Food Program said Friday that it was cutting rations in half, citing a lack of funds.
Many of the camp's residents get rations from the United Nations' World Food Program.
Many of the refugees get rations from the United Nations' World Food Program, which feeds nearly 1 million people a month at Jalozai and other distribution points across the northwest.
In the build-up to the war, rations were increased, though estimates of how much food families have stockpiled vary widely.
They do get food aid now, the government has let aid through, but she has to share her rations with another family.