The report is the latest in a series of cases highlighting food safety issues in China.
You know the examples: the debt ceiling debate, the job plan, food safety regulations, etc.
Pelletier, from Edinburgh, pleaded guilty to breaking food safety laws on 8 April 2011.
"There are more than a dozen agencies dealing with food safety, " Mr. Obama noted.
Some shoppers at an international supermarket in China admitted they are worried about food safety.
The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service annually certifies that each state program meets these standards.
This chat is a great place to have all your food safety questions answered.
"The outbreak of avian influenza is controlled, " Mexico's food safety agency said in a statement.
These reports come as food safety concerns seem to be at an all-time high.
Food Safety News curated a comprehensive timeline, which now needs to be updated with the lawsuit.
The flooding shut down the office that normally watched over food safety for those regions.
The worst outcome, critics say, would be arduous rules that do little to improve food safety.
The last new chapter to be opened was on food safety, in June 2010.
Food safety authorities then warned people not to buy butter from strangers, Norway's TV2 reported.
Neonicotinoids were recently branded an 'unacceptable' danger to bees by the EU Food Safety Authority.
Mr McAdam said that the Irish Food Safety Authority visited him on Friday 1 February.
Scientists at the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) looked at 180 health claims for the supplements.
"This is no longer just a food safety issue but possibly a criminal trade, " she said.
With oversight of food safety spread between five different ministries, responsibilities are still murky.
Last week the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) initiated a public consultation on its draft guidance.
Part of our mission is to guarantee that we equip you with accurate food safety information.
As a result, they are recognized by the government as being a leader in food safety.
At a time when Chinese consumers are increasingly concerned about food safety issues, Yum!
At Tysons, they reportedly engage in unhygienic practices and possibly pose a threat to food safety.
Dramatic cuts in education, in clean energy, in innovation, in food safety and other areas.
She was put in charge of consumer and food safety in the wake of the mad-cow debacle.
The CSPI describes itself as a Washington-based nonprofit health advocacy group focusing on nutrition and food safety.
In recent decades Europeans have suffered a series of food safety setbacks that have roiled public opinion.
The EU test results will be fed into the 27-nation bloc's rapid alert system for food safety.
The environmental group Friends of the Earth tentatively applauded the news of a new food safety agency.
CNN: Food Central - European Union to create food safety watchdog