Thanks to the FoodSafety Modernization Act of 2010, which gives the FDA much more power to demand foodsafety testing (and reduce the need for recalls after people become ill), I think the demand for NEOG products will increase dramatically over the next five years.
The recent FoodSafety Modernization Act extends these guidelines with new requirements for FDA regulated food companies to establish food defense plans to protect these highest risk production and storage areas.
There was an opportunity in the Senate and House bills on FDA reform (the Food and Drug Administration SafetyAct of 2007) to do something about this and I as a reformer am disappointed in the failure of both bills to strengthen post-market surveillance.
"The time couldn't be better to move this forward, because we've now moved our focus from foodsafety to include food security, " said Durbin, who introduced his Safe FoodAct last week.