If you dig your foot into the surface and remove some of the clay, you will notice that the underlying surface is a hard rubber-like mat.
Eugene Cernan, who is with us today, the last man to set foot on the lunar surface.
CNN: Bush: 'It is time for America to take the next steps' in space
When the larva grows to around 300 microns (roughly one-third of a millimetre), it extends its foot and seeks a suitable surface on which to set.
ECONOMIST: A dozen ocean-cleaners and a pint of Guinness, please
Smiling a little, Moncayo shifted his weight from one foot to the other, until the whole surface began to undulate beneath him.
NEWYORKER: Reversal of Fortune
His left foot pressed hard on a fine-grained surface at 10:56 p.m.
MSN: No hoax: Moon landing stands as NASA's finest hour
Passing over the landing site early Monday, the space agency's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a dramatic image of Curiosity plunging toward the surface, dangling from its fully deployed, 51-foot-wide parachute.
WSJ: NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars
The deck of some boats, such as the Taunton, a 228-foot Danish steamer built in 1902, lie just 10 feet below the surface, an easy duck dive for even an average swimmer.
BBC: Wreck diving in Bermuda
Its first grainy, wide-angle images showed its own left rear wheel parked on the surface of Gale Crater near the equator of Mars, close to the foot of a three-mile-high mountain it aims to explore in months to come.
WSJ: NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars
In water 20 to 25 feet deep just off the Thimble Islands, Mr. Smith has set up two, 150-foot lines of rope that are submerged about three feet below the water's surface and held into place by chains and 400-pound anchors.
WSJ: Connecticut Seaweed: Life Down on the Kelp Farm
First, though, he had to dive through a 40-foot vertical patch of murky, water-oil mixture that began 20 feet below the surface.
WSJ: Gulf's Fishing-for-Fun Culture Also Takes Hit
The elephant distributes its weight at least over all 4 feet, and even if standing on one leg, over the area of the one foot- you might actually get more damage from a good stomp with a heel that has a small surface area.
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