Russia even got the American taxpayer to foot the bill through IMF and other loans.
When services (and costs) move to the Cloud, the Cloud companies foot the bill.
All of that information helps shed some light on who will foot the bill.
But law firms and corporations no longer want to foot the bill for that.
And rich societies are better able to foot the bill for treatment and medical advances.
The Chinese, it appears, expect the local government to foot the bill for finding new barracks.
Remember that anytime your state or the federal government pays for something, that you foot the bill.
Germany is unwilling to foot the bill so governments can take more time to reduce their deficits.
And Japan knows that when reunification eventually comes, it will be asked to help foot the bill.
"We admit it's ambitious, but we won't be expecting local taxpayers to foot the bill, " said Mr Laverick.
Commercial air carriers and private and corporate jets--not to mention lawmakers--have bickered over who will foot the bill.
Not the least of which was getting the states to foot the bill for our War of Independence.
Characteristics like geography, legacy and even ability to foot the bill can be used in shaping a particular class.
In the first year, local health authorities would simply foot the bill for the paramedics who are on board.
Governments have to make a case to those whose taxes foot the bill.
However, traders fear they will have to foot the bill for the work.
There are no prizes for guessing who will have to foot the bill.
Once you've foot the bill for all that, though, you don't pay anything for lift tickets or greens fees.
But, one way or another, the public will have to foot the bill.
Alas, the matter of including mental illness in health insurance, and finding someone to foot the bill, is not so simple.
The day when voters would be reassured that never again would they have to foot the bill for the bankers' failures.
Eventually, though, Graham executive director LaRue Allen will have to devise a way for the company to foot the bill for replacements.
So some companies get out paying a lot of taxes, while the rest of them end up having to foot the bill.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction
The most energy-intensive consumers are shielded from the feed-in tariff, leaving ordinary folk, including pensioners and the unemployed, to foot the bill.
And Vale, if it entered the consortium, could help foot the bill.
If moviegoers are the ones helping foot the bill for film production, the least filmmakers could do it seems is lower ticket prices.
FORBES: As Oscar Nominated Hollywood Moguls Bag Tax Cuts, They Seek To Raise Yours
It gives more tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans -- and to pay for them, asks seniors and others to foot the bill.
Parents helping to foot the bill, should insist that their kids find a REAL internship in the field which they are pursuing a degree.
"Now we're sending messages to families across the country: Drop your private health insurance plans, the American taxpayer will foot the bill, " Hastert said.
Opponents fear they will foot the bill for electricity that has been shipped off to more congested areas such as New Jersey and Pennsylvania.