Out of this port-hopping, footloose milieu stepped the most influential traveller in Western history.
Their credits also include 2007 musical Hairspray, The Bucket List and the 2011 remake of Footloose.
BBC: Oscar producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron invited back
Nowadays churches have emptied, union membership has slumped and voters have become more footloose.
And in this age of screen and mouse, financial services are potentially more footloose than ever.
The economy needs to keep attracting footloose, smart, rich foreign workers in order to thrive.
The movie expected to top the box office is a remake of the 1984 hit Footloose.
Shelton has invited Kenny Loggins -- the original "Footloose" singer -- to perform with him at the CMAs.
In Lula's first term, his government mishandled a legislature composed largely of politically footloose mercenaries, which provoked corruption and legislative paralysis.
FSA's legendary light touch, which has helped to attract footloose financiers to London and made it the world's biggest international financial centre.
As well as becoming more footloose, the workforce is becoming less standardised.
The downturn has shown much of Chinese business to be remarkably footloose.
In a global economy dominated by footloose investors, capital flows dominate trade deficits and these capital flows are attracted by high investment returns.
And, as I wrote in that earlier piece, the government has tried to safeguard their financial system against a flood of footloose global capital.
Presumably, countries that attract more foreign direct investment suffer less than those that have a greater amount of footloose portfolio investment or short-term bank lending.
Among Zadan and Meron's other credits include last year's remake of Footloose and the Broadway revival of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.
Even "Footloose, " originally pure '80s pop, got in on the action.
Big and bold, more than twice the size of Texas and infinitely wilder and more remote, Alaska has been a draw for generations of footloose romantics, dreamers and adventurers.
On Thursday it honoured Kevin Bacon, the star of Footloose.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Hong Kong stars get walk of fame
Ms Middlebrook also brings out the saving naivety of the footloose, hustling mid-West of 50 years ago, full of show people improvising both themselves and their music, with no pasts and no questions asked.
We'd be brave, intrepid and footloose.
WSJ: Diana Abu-Jaber on Traveling with a Toddler | Traveler's Tale
The movie is superbly matter-of-fact in depicting subjects as different as the emotional cluelessness of proudly footloose teen-age boys, the level of ominous and explosive noise that the characters have learned to live with, the inability of well-meaning social workers to alter family traditions.