We're a group of educationalists, rational people who believe that it's okay for a human being to speak about his homeland in his songs and his talk.
And without hesitation, Judge Mukasey said, you never have to apologize for being a human being in this court.
They contain the blueprints for how a human being, a plant or a bacterium, looks and functions.
Some would say that Tiger Woods easily makes the lust for life cut, given his off-the-course antics, but despite his all-too-human mess of a personal life, his image is too highly constructed for anybody to discern a human being beneath it.
Mr. PARKS: I just want to be remembered for having been a decent human being who loved people regardless of who they were, and make this a better world, the universe that has put upon by God, and he expects for me to give something to it and not just to take something away from it.
The German Bishops' Conference, part of the Catholic Church, called the ruling a "victory for human dignity, " and said it strengthened its view that a human being begins life at the moment of conception.
Larry also has a great disdain for the more human and emotional aspects of being a leader.
It deeply saddens me when I hear anyone use a derogatory label for another human being.
FORBES: John Franklin Stephens' Triumph Over Ann Coulter Use Of R-Word
Rosenthal as he was known to untold millions who admired his handiwork at the New York Times, in his syndicated column and in his last years as a columnist for the New York Daily News was a truly extraordinary human being.
Dr Ward and Dr Kellis have thus created a powerful tool for investigating in detail just what it is that makes a human being human.
Biotechnology is good at taking genes from one organism (a human being, for example) and sticking them into another (yeast, say) in order to churn out large amounts of a desirable protein.
So why would a human being saddle up for a 100-mile round trip to the big city?
It is a prerequisite for human health and well-being as well as for the preservation of the environment.
For example, having the responsibility to hire, fire and otherwise manage human resources is a different skill than being responsible for receiving updates from a project team.
MEPs have said the EU should play a role in funding programmes to fight human trafficking, as it is often a stopover country for people being trafficked from Africa to Europe.
"As a human being you feel sorry for the people affected because of what happened, " the Ethiopian said.
Combine his personal success as a parent, a citizen and a human being with his on-court success and it is a recipe for marketing stardom.
"The leadership of the German national team never had any doubt that he was important for the team both as a goalkeeper and as a human being, " the DFB statement said.
There is probably an element of truth in all three suggestions, for the Wordsworth who emerges from this portrait is a contradictory human being whose motives are rarely pure and never simple.
In October 2010, an international symposium on urban futures and human and urban well-being elaborated plans for a new three-year initiative to promote sustainable urban development and improve the relationship between cities and the ecosystems of which they are a part.
As a human society, we're not ready yet for an intelligent being that lives inside our phones.
"There is an added value for the buyer that comes from having a real interaction with the real human being that created each object, " Etsy spokesman Adam Brown said.
If you have a lot of information gathered in one place and it is from a lot of different places, it may be hard for one human being to keep track of it all.
Best and bravest would be for Ms Mowlam's commission to recommend a memorial that listed every human being who is dead in consequence of the Troubles, regardless of religion, nation or political affiliation: reconciliation in death.
Dial the 800 number, work through a dizzying array of menu choices, choose to speak with a human being and wait on hold listening to music for 20 minutes to two hours (it happened to me once) and you might reach a person who can (in only 70% of my cases) provide definitive, final help.
The brain imaging technology is being developed for a US-led effort to map the human brain called the Human Connectome Project.
"He was 40 when he died and was clearly heading for extraordinary places as a photographer, as an artist, and as a human being, " Junger says.
They will have no incentive to acquire the knowledge and skills important for life as an informed citizen, or as a reflective and culturally literate human being.
Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey is being widely mocked for a bill to ban the use of human embryonic tissue in the production or research of food.