We have to bite our tongues as it's their money which has paid for all this.
And I hate to say it but the Sheriff is responsible for all this fear.
For all this happy news, will the region weather the next global dip better than before?
For all this, the government is popular, at least in the capital and the south.
The generation coming along behind them that will be asked to pay for all this can't.
Mr D'Alema's intentions are honourable, but Italy's problems may be too urgent for all this.
To pay for all this, universities have been enrolling more students and jacking up their fees.
ECONOMIST: Many American universities are in financial trouble
Though, for all this, Wadsworth did not see that speaking was in itself a promoter of virtue.
For all this, Romualdez still feels a bit like an outsider, a status that fuels his work.
"I don't know if I am ready for all this attention, " says Shnaider, a compact 5 foot 8.
Vying for power in Labour's tightest leadership race for 30 years, they will be mocked for all this.
ECONOMIST: Britain is in store for another perilously close election
Yet for all this friction, Vietnam is becoming a popular launchpad for Chinese Internet companies spreading their wings.
FORBES: Territorial Rows No Obstacle To Chinese Internet Companies In Vietnam
The main reason for all this renewed activity seems to be the emergence in the field of public-private partnerships.
They have seen all this or seen the preparations for all this before.
For all this, thank technologists and engineers, and thousands of small, independent producers.
FORBES: America Take Note: Technology Unleashes Black Gold to Rescue Ireland's Economy
And for all this, we give our humble thanks -- to our predecessors, to one another, and to God.
The explanation for all this is undoubtedly the open maw and changing dietary habits of the world's fast-expanding population.
ECONOMIST: Feeding the world has become a mouth-watering opportunity
How is the nation going to pay for all this life-saving new therapy?
Most controversial will be the question of how to pay for all this.
"Americans are wondering how we're going to pay for all this, " said Sen.
If history is a guide, the price tag for all this bold action will ultimately outstrip any estimate now being floated.
"They do not ask airlines from America or Europe for all this information, " grumbles Feda Mohammad Fedawi, Kam Air's vice president.
Loren shot a look at me that attempted to convey a humorous appreciation for all this but really signaled his discomfort.
Mr. Morrissey doesn't correct for all this as well as he might, partly because he is limited by a bizarre conceit.
Yet for all this success, go out on China's teeming shopping streets and Lenovo's brand still seems to need some polishing.
The explanation for all this hostility is simple: Mr McCain represents a gigantic threat to the way the establishment does business.
Apart from the question of who's going to pay for all this health care is who is going to supply the labor.
For all this expense and the consequent human misery, the patrol reckons it catches six or seven of every ten illegal entrants.
For all this, Mr Berezovsky is distrusted, even detested, by many Russians.
There is a term for all this: the magic of the Cup.
WSJ: Bradford City and Luton Town Are the Cinderellas of English Soccer