The UNESCO Global Microscience Experiments Project aims to provide a practical approach to experiencing science for elementary and secondary school students (and in some countries, students in their first academic year), using kits designed especially with a textbook illustrating the various experiments.
UNESCO: Strenthening Scientific Education in Niger
States should provide additional resources to train and employ teachers of science, technology, engineering and math, as well as increase access to the latest hardware and software for elementary and high-school students.
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Friday's visit also coincided with the second day of school for students from Sandy Hook Elementary, where 20 of their classmates -- all ages 6 or 7 -- were killed last month.
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Most of the open spots for out-of-district students are in the elementary school level, Mr. Stark said.
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From building bleachers, benches, a gazebo for an elementary school, and a shelter at the local golf club my students were learning the importance of providing a helping hand to make their community a better place to live.
WHITEHOUSE: Bridging FFA Chapters
In the Hasnabad area, where 750 Chowduli families live on the edge of ponds and canals, 40% of students don't show up to elementary school for half the year, teachers say, when their parents travel to work in brick kilns several miles away.
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At another school in Moore, Briarwood Elementary, all students were accounted for with only minor injuries, local TV station News9 reported on Facebook.
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