"You could not go out after that, for fear of being shot, " he says.
He also exited long- and medium-term bonds for fear that rising rates would zap them.
She's afraid of leaving the house for fear of being bombarded by people, the friend said.
Or resist selling through new distribution channels for fear of upsetting old distribution lines?
He asked that his name not be published for fear of losing contracts and benefits.
People were scared to make any decisions for fear of upsetting the big boss.
But he cautioned the weapons must be protected for fear that Americans could be targeted.
Some countries had been reluctant to ease the ban for fear of fuelling insecurity in Somalia.
Many are reluctant to endorse major tax cuts now for fear they'd overjuice the economy.
But Mrs Davies has said she is terrified to go back, for fear of further attacks.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Firework victim wants tighter controls
Democratic Hispanic legislators oppose separating them for fear of losing business support for comprehensive reform.
He would not allow his name to be broadcast for fear of reprisals from Turkish authorities.
The besiegers have shied from all-out assaults, for fear of killing civilians and deepening regional enmities.
Our number one competitor is procrastination and procrastination is just another word for fear of change.
Such a rule might encourage employers not to hire at all, for fear of legal action.
Now other environmental groups have put projects on hold for fear of being targeted.
Ms Morrisroe said family members were kept away from her daughter for fear of spreading infection.
Still less to a Single-Bar or a gay club though not for fear of being geoutet.
Most publishers shy away from ad exchanges for fear that they drive down revenues.
He asked not to be identified for fear of being blacklisted by the building industry.
He, and another young doctor, only give the names Misan(ph) and Yusefi(ph) for fear of arrest.
But operators can't market these too widely for fear of violating contracts with entertainment companies.
For fear of reprisal, the Americans this week closed their embassy in Sanaa to the public.
He did not publish his work on Soviet sociology for fear of offending the Kremlin.
There was a time when most gay journalists remained closeted for fear of being penalized.
This had forced him to slow down his offensive for fear of causing casualties among non-combatants.
Women are barred from going to football matches, for fear they might mingle with men.
There is a taboo against giving aid to Myanmar for fear of bolstering the dreadful regime.
Councillors in Milton Keynes have voted to relight streets, for fear of rising road accidents.
Many wounded and injured are not seeking treatment at Salmaniya for fear of arrest.