She has treated Lazaro Gonzalez, the boy's great uncle, with the sort of deference that most politicians reserve for a head of state.
It not uncommon for a head of state to skip a military handover ceremony.
CNN: U.S. Marine general takes over NATO forces in Afghanistan
If the monarchy was abolished, costs would remain - such as for security - for whatever head of state replaced it, he said.
On the other hand, many Samoans may not be ready for a head of state who is not drawn from the ranks of top chieftains.
When the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce hosted a lunch in June for the visiting head of state from Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the person accorded the seat next to him was Djojohadikusumo.
Opposition politicians have called for the head of the state road-building agency GDDKiA to resign over the affair.
Carlos Ramos or "Carlinhos the Waterfall" - the man from whom Mr Diniz is accused of taking money for favours while head of the Rio de Janeiro state lottery - is thought to be a kingpin of the Rio numbers game.
"There are all sorts of distortions, " agrees Omar Everleny, head of the state-run Centre for the Study of the Cuban Economy.
Paul and Santorum watched the Florida returns from Nevada, where they are striving for a head start ahead of that state's caucuses on Saturday.
Yemenis, the state television and radio never tire of observing, are the first people in Arabia to choose their head of state for themselves.
"Once this finance law is approved, along with the amendments on everything which Europe has asked of us and which the Eurogroup has asked for, I will resign, so that the head of state can open consultations, " he said.
The Office of the President of the Russian Federation responsible for organizing receptions and providing services to the Head of the Russian State announced results of the worm photo expertise conducted in less then 48 hours.
In March, a court upheld death sentences on four people associated with Tamexco, a trading company, for bribing officials including the former head of a state bank.
For something completely different, head up to the northernmost tip of the state, not far from the backpacker haven of Arambol, for a stay at Fort Tiracol, a 17th-century Portuguese fort teetering on the cliffs of the Indian Ocean.
There is but one precedent for a strong prime minister and a weak head of state.
The company also has outfitted head-of-state aircraft for the governments of Mexico, Brazil and Azerbaijan.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went to Baghdad in March, but no Arab head of state has done so for at least five years.
When asked what they thought of the criticism that the duo has abandoned the sound that helped define a genre, drummer Jason explained that it was time for Mates of State's sound to head in a new direction.
Taylor is the first African head of state to go on trial for war crimes before an international tribunal.
CNN: Charles Taylor refutes 'malicious' accusations at war crimes trial
Chirac was the first head of state to recognize and apologize for France's deportation of Jews in World War II.
Mr Howard's support for a new preamble, but not a new head of state, could be decisive in a dual-purpose referendum.
ECONOMIST: Australia: A republic, but not at any price | The
The first African female head of state who may just get elected for a second term.
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This was Africa's first case of a former head of state being arrested in another country for crimes committed during his rule.
Despite fearmongering that Obama has somehow damaged relations with Israel, and the head-of-state dinner Netanyahu threw for Romney this summer, the general Israeli populace seems unmoved.
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The reason for doing so, according to Mauricio Tolmasquim, head of the state-run Energy Research Company (EPE), is to give the government more control over the oil business.
Indeed, just hours after his would-be assassin had been wrestled to the ground, the French head of state was hosting a garden party for the public, on a packed Elysee Palace lawn, grabbing the microphone like a seasoned compere.
Vladimir Baskakov, head of Goskino, the central state administrative body for the cinema, emerges as a particularly nasty piece of work.
Well, joining me on the line is Terry Long, former head coach of track and field at Florida State University for nearly 20 years.
The tax increases, a somewhat modified version of those originally proposed by Malloy in February, now head to the full state House of Representatives and Senate for passage.
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Friday, he will head to Chicago to continue his campaign for the main proposals of the State of the Union address, which emphasized themes of his re-election campaign last year, including equal opportunity and middle-class growth.