At a news conference in Bogota on Friday, Gen Naranjo said Mr Makled was a "pseudo-businessman" who used legitimate business as a front for his illegalactivities.
Meanwhile, bidders commit to "take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means and illegalactivities" for bidding or while executing the contract.
These adversaries include people hurt by his behavior and subsequent lies about his behavior, people whom Armstrong attacked and bullied for calling him out on his illegal and reprehensible activities, people who love competitive sports, and individuals with cancer who relied on Livestrong, the anti-cancer non-profit organization which he founded.
It is much safer for a corrupt Russian official to keep proceeds from illegalactivities abroad, hiding information about their fortunes and holdings away from the prying eyes of Russian banking regulators.
He also said a re-elected SNP government would bring in serious crime prevention orders to allow courts to restrict the activities of criminals and "the illegal fronts for their money-laundering operations".