Many investors are sitting on a lot of cash right now for just this reason.
There is a good reason for this, a reason better than just that my major customer makes the stuff that makes all those light bulbs work.
The taxi situation is totally ridiculous but for some reason people just accept this as part of the way our transportation system works.
Just this month, Sprint began selling iPhones for the specific reason to stem the defections to the other carriers that offered it.
FORBES: Apple Will Deliver Q4 with Very Bright Setup into FY2012
Studies have shown that some people who undergo allergy shots for pollen allergies will experience relief in oral allergy syndrome, Wood said, but at this point no one should get shots just for that reason, since they don't work on most people's food allergies.
It is for precisely this reason that the Center for Security Policy was created just over two years ago.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Security Policy In The Post-Kuwait World
Some believe there is a wider political reason for Mr Brown announcing this decision now - just as President Obama decides whether to send more American forces to Afghanistan.
This news may just be a valuable excuse for those needing a reason to tidy up their investment books ahead of month, quarter and year end given the shares of BP had rallied over 50% since reaching an agreement with the US authorities in June.
This is a little tricky of course and not just for the reason the man gave: prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.
Interestingly, the fight in Wisconsin is about both education and organized labor, just one more reason why this fight has so many implications for the future of the American economy.
FORBES: Educating Americans is Only One Part of the Middle Class Equation
For this reason Mr. Steuerle concludes that the Senate bill is not just a new health system but also "a new welfare and tax system" that will warp the labor market.
For this reason Bitcoin or a similar technology could threaten the power of not just central banks, but banks, period.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Gavin Andresen: Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke
But this is just one more reason, with many more to come, for the American people to regret the mistake they made on Election Day.
Just as an aside this is the reason that that extension to 99 weeks for unemployment benefits might not have been all that good an idea.
FORBES: After Six Months Unemployment Turns Into Permanent Unemployment
This is just another reason why you must see a well-trained professional for a proper diagnostic evaluation.
In short, this was an incredible run that could have ended at any time and for just about any reason.
FORBES: Markets Can Shake Off The Irish Bailout, We'll See About QE2
And the reason for that is simply just there is a really important difference of opinion about this that has significant consequences for seniors all across the country.
If this is really just going to be an add-on for Comcast customers, then they have less reason to worry.
FORBES: Comcast Launches Streampix Subscription Video Service
There is no compelling reason for this addendum and it arbitrarily excludes people like James Galbraith, who is an economist just like me, but at the University of Texas, and Jeffrey Halstead, Chief of Police in Fort Worth, Texas.