Chicago was "the most obvious city that did not have a comedy festival, " says Bruce Hills, chief operating officer at Just for Laughs.
WSJ: Conan O'Brien and Sarah Silverman at the Chicago Comedy Festival
Played for laughs, the idea just seems an odd way of launching a multitude of bugs, dinosaurs, and apes into houses and shopping malls.
Writers in England have tended to play these differences for laughs.
Just for Laughs is in its fourth year in Chicago, as the first U.S. spinoff of Just for Laughs Montreal, a multiweek, bilingual event in July.
WSJ: Conan O'Brien and Sarah Silverman at the Chicago Comedy Festival
One key difference between Handy's blues and earlier black-inflected popular music, says Chris Kjorness of Longwood University, was that it was no longer played for laughs.
The reunion between Jay and Daisy is played for laughs (and it gets a couple, too), but Luhrmann shortchanges whatever it is that pulls these lovers together.
Many people bought their first TVs, or crowded around the few ones available, to see a comic who'd mine for laughs each week by wearing a dress.
The International Jazz Festival, Just For Laughs, and FrancoFolies de Montreal -- three of the largest -- draw more than five million visitors every year, according to the Partnership.
One thing Mr Faye's family folklore taught him was that there was no such thing as a new joke in showbiz, just new ways of pushing a joke for laughs.
It's played mainly for laughs, with funny music, as if the bonds between two young children and their mother are a minor thing compared to Mom's eccentric but authentic need for fulfillment.
And maybe, just for laughs, Whitesnake's Greatest Hits.
WSJ: Joe Queenan on the Sound of One Neighbor Misbehaving | Moving Targets
To be fair, Dean's a comedian, so maybe his partisanship is good for laughs, but it will give way to a desire for good policy to win the day -- even if the Republicans get some credit.
"The color of his hair (pauses for laughs) and the color of an orange orangutan is the only two things in nature of the same color, " Maher said to another round of nervous chuckles from the audience.
The thirst for satire dates back to Jonathan Swift and beyond and, in recent years, our hunger for laughs about the news has propelled the popularity of SNL's "Weekend Update, " The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report.
There will be people in Jersey who insist on calling it New Jersey's Super Bowl, but most people will call it the New York Super Bowl and every once in a while a politician in Jersey will throw a fit and it will be mostly for laughs, because nobody cares that much about this distinction ask the New York Jets and the New York Giants.
Chief Marketing Officer CammieDunawayCammie Dunaway replayed one of the winning spots for some laughs.
Chief Marketing Officer Cammie Dunaway replayed one of the winning spots for some laughs.
Until 3 July, the Festival Grand Rire de Quebec, or Laughs for All Festival, will hold nonstop comedy events, from stand-up shows to tributes to comedic greats like Charlie Chaplin to improv acts.
Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said he laughs anytime he hears a president say it's not about politics.
KathE Walker -- the capital E isn't a typo, "it's a '60s thing, " she says -- laughs a lot for a woman in the business of scaring her customers.
When I ask for their wedding date, she laughs, saying she can't remember.
The US version of The Office is a kinder, gentler thing, with more slapstick laughs and more relief for the audience from the forensic dissection of life amongst the grey partition walls.
He laughs and says he voted for George W. Bush in 2000, but had abstained in 2004.
Next came the Snickers Super Bowl commercial, which garnered big laughs and still more attention for White.
"The lads have a well-tuned sense of humor and convincingly imaginative 'reporting' that bode well for a country that could use some laughs, " said Marine Gen.
He said he hopes he won't have to, but laughs that he might be up for it.