While great for hammering out reviews and other documents, the platform still has some sizeable gaps on the social side.
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But we will reduce the time for release of all other official documents below the current 30 years, to 20 years.
Corporate investigators have programs that can sift through e-mail and other electronic documents looking for distinctive word patterns, even when employees try to speak in code.
In 2002 Arthur Andersen was found criminally liable for its shredding of documents and other actions linked to its audits of Enron, a collapsed energy giant.
While the IRS has long had a program (recently beefed up) to pay informants, the Germans' decision to pay for hot documents--and other countries' willingness to use them--was a big step for the Europeans, who rarely take as hard a line against evasion.
And so I sort of vowed as I went into my 20s to try to do that for all the other kids out there like me, who had been looking for documents of that kind of existence and for that kind of struggle.
Sandra Katz gathered her birth certificate, University of Iowa diploma, marriage certificate and other documents to build the case for citizenship.
Before Tuesday's hearing, Jeffrey Verschleiser, one of Goldman's mortgage-division heads, spent days poring through email and other documents to help executives prepare for their testimony, said people familiar with the matter.
We didn't know our smartphones weren't quite smart enough to need a guide to the interwebs, but the Foleo syncs to your mobile device, providing a full size keyboard and larger display for editing documents and triaging email (among other things).
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Prof Woodward explained that while Cryptofiler is no longer used for extremely sensitive documents, it is still used by the likes of Nato for protecting privacy and other information that could be valuable to hackers.
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Asks for money for a variety of reasons (travel, medical emergencies, hotel bills, hospitals bills for child or other relative, visas or other official documents, losses from a financial setback or crime victimization).
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Be polite and honest in discharging function, especially in obtaining documents, photographs and other informative materials useful for news reports.
But a motion filed in federal court by lawyers for the legislators suggests one possible explanation: The motion cites other documents concerning a fund set up to cover the expenses of prosecuting the civil case against the cigarette makers.
Like many other online investors, he relies mostly on SEC documents for information.
Since adding documents to video calls promises greater productivity for workers, other video conferencing providers like Cisco and Polycom will need to offer similar services in the future, said Riggs.
Those captured documents included Iraqi nuclear bomb designs that could be useful for other states working to build a nuclear arsenal.
But another member of Anonymous tells me that no one in Anonymous can say for sure whether the documents are wrong, given that the group knows each other only by pseudonyms.
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We're currently launching a review of current policies by all those agencies responsible for the classification of documents to determine where reforms are possible, and to assure that the other branches of government will be in a position to review executive branch decisions on these matters.
For four months Swartwout and two other executives learned all they could about Plastron, reviewing reams of financial documents, meeting with its largest customers, talking to plant workers, hiring an environmental consultant to evaluate the site.
Other documents disclosed variations on the iPad design, including the fact the company considered a kickstand for the device.
There are no monthly fees or transaction charges for the basic wireless connectivity and users still have the option to side load personal documents or content from other compatible sites via USB.
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Personnel using Windows Phone 7 devices are able to take advantage of Office Mobile to work with Office documents right out of the box, but an official Microsoft Office application is notably missing for other widely adopted platforms such as the iPad.
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For such a large-scale cloud service, the concept of only being able to view your documents or other files without the ability to edit them is completely unacceptable.
Slideshare users can also manage collections of presentations, documents, videos, etc. and watch the activity and comments for each file, in addition to other common social business features such as tagging content, following other users, sharing by email, and tracking how many people like or reshare the document.
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