Allen highlighted the recession hitting local businesses as a major reason for a reason for the club's decision to cut the budget.
The survey was conducted for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (UK), which describes itself as promoting "scientific education, rationalism and humanism".
She returned to the Netherlands with this assurance, won a seat in parliament and became a tireless advocate for women, for civil society and for reason.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, abandoned to fanatics
But one small reform could strike a meaningful blow for reason and cost-effectiveness: Apply the rules governing the advertising of aspirin to the advertising of oregano tablets.
It is a different ball game to insist on forced association for any reason in workplace or social interactions with people who they, for whatever reason, find offensive.
For them, old units like the pied de Roi (King's Foot) kept people chained to ignorance and superstition, and had to be swept away for Reason to take hold.
The Ipsos Mori poll, for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, was rubbished by the Church, with Reverend Giles Fraser, former Canon Chancellor of St Paul's, saying it was not fair to trump people's "self-identification" as Christians.
The New-England Primer's first edition antedated by less than a half-dozen years the publication in Britain of John Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693), a wide-ranging essay on child-rearing practices that highlighted children's capacity for reason and their susceptibility to being molded for life through judicious exposure to books and other influences suited to their capacity.
He has also made clear that, in part, for that reason, or largely for that reason, that he believes that not just that his personal belief and our belief here in the administration that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional, but that the Court will find it to be so as well because of all that many years of judicial precedent.
If the answer to the question for any of the nations involved was "yes" you had to provide a complete explanation for the reason for the trip, when it took place, etc.
The reason for that second objective is also the reason for thinking 2011 might, in the history books of the future, be seen as the year when the space cadets' dream finally died.
For that reason, for his own political survival and because the United States is still giving him time, Mr Olmert is likely to fight on.
The essence of conservatism is to preserve and conserve time-tested values that have endured for good reason and for the best of society and for order.
Most states are at-will employment states, which means employers can terminate a worker for any reason except for federally protected classes such as race, gender and religion.
CNN: Workplace rants on social media are headache for companies
So, if a person is out of work and looking for a job but not claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for any reason (for example they may not want to, or they may not be eligible to claim it), they will appear in the figure for unemployment, but not the figure for claimant count.
These robots are being used at Foxconn for the same reason that self-service checkout counters are being used in supermarkets, for the same reason that self-service yoghurt shops proliferate.
For this reason, the mania for pallasite-hunting is extreme even by the obsessive standards of meteorite hounds.
And for good reason: the market for talent in football is remarkably efficient.
ECONOMIST: New owners, more revenues��and a change in the Euroworks?
In those cases, the roads are less frequented for a reason: read on for terrifying drop-offs, unpredictable mudslides and a complete lack of concrete paving.
For this reason we must strive for a holistic view of the relationship of these three functions to the overall control of risk to our information.
FORBES: Security, Disaster Recovery Or Audit: Which Matters Most?
You're here for the same reason -- you can sit down now, Jeonathan -- (applause.) You're here for the same reason that Chryshann Pierre is here.
When a close friend who had lost loved ones to cancer visited Ivan after his initial diagnosis, it was Ivan who apologised for being the reason for the hospital visit.
For the traditional reason for the traditional surge in PC sales on the release of a new OS is that none of the old machines would ever run the new OS in anything under geological timescales.
The real reason for these made-over machines, of course, is that Gateway (nyse: GTW - news - people ) is hoping to revive its sagging sales and generate some consumer excitement--the same reason for those TV advertisements featuring the talking cow.
There is a reason why shows like the Jersey shore and Buck Wild are pop culture sensations and for whatever reason, the GOP has arrogantly ignored what for most of us in the entertainment industry have known as, common sense marketing.
FORBES: The Entertainment And Culture Divide- The Failure of Marco Rubio's GOP Response to SOTU
"They are not being used for the reason that they were introduced for, " he said.
For this reason, many authors pay for outside editing even before submitting material to agents.
For some reason it took 10 years for South Asia's most efficient civil service to notice that anything was awry.
For this reason, rather than ask for a declaration, he used all the prior precedents to simply go to war without a declaration.