They will then define the implementation strategy for the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity for the next two years.
Over the years I have written more than a few articles advocating the loss harvesting strategy and providing recipes for its implementation.
This training contributed to the implementation of the UNESCO strategy for journalists in the HIV and AIDS media coverage.
It highlighted the absence of a coherent skills strategy and the lack of preparedness for implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence.
This working meeting aims to finalize a concrete Implementation Strategy 2013-2014 for the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.
The Minister called on UNESCO to participate in the implementation of the Interim Strategy for Education and Literacy, which should allow Chad to gain access to funds from the Global Partnership for Education.
It has complex and hidden implications for which a strategy needs to be defined in advance of implementation.
This is in spite of the fact that now more than ever, the time is right for HR to play a key role in business strategy development and implementation.
Prior to this, I was Global Head of Digital for PepsiCo where I oversaw the company-wide digital strategy and the implementation of social media tools across their portfolio of food and beverage brands.
Scheduled for discussion were a wide range of topics relating to the current situation of the Organization, its financial status and questions concerning the implementation of the roadmap, ongoing preparations for the next Medium Term Strategy and Programme and Budget, the current moves to reorganize certain corporate services and matters relating to the scheduling of meetings during sessions of the Governing Bodies.
But those giving evidence said that it was "too early" to make a full assessment of the success of the strategy's implementation, however Dr Susan Gubbay from the Countryside Council for Wales said "things are going forward at the pace one would expect".
For the Asia-Pacific region, the UNESCO-Bangkok Office has facilitated the elaboration of a regional implementation strategy, which was launched at Nagoya (Japan) in June 2005.