Lewis, who went on to mastermind the music of the Modern Jazz Quartet for much of the next forty years or so, was only just starting his experiments with baroque and other classical forms, and this piece is probably well enough titled.
Similar to the confusion and indecision caused by the most baroque Chinese takeout menu, the constant emergence of new marketing technologies is a source of perplexity for brand marketers.
And the lurid villainy always seems diversionary, a baroque disguise for a bland, lifeless, and overfamiliar story.
This is much more suitable repertoire for her than Georg Philipp Telemann's "Orpheus, " the baroque piece in which she made her debut with the New York City Opera last season.
WSJ: Ghost Stories Sung | Spoleto Festival USA | By Heidi Waleson
For the theater, Mr. Pflueger featured a mix of Art Deco and Spanish Baroque styles.
The cathedral and the Santo Domingo church are also worth a visit for their gold leaf interiors and baroque facades alone.
Devoted to the order and power of tradition, he had a passion for Bach and championed baroque music when it was still largely unknown.
Another interesting addition to the festival is the usage of The Great Synagogue, a majestic space where the instrumental Apollo Ensemble will perform Baroque chamber music that was originally composed for Jewish liturgical services.
And it's augmented this time by a small, Baroque-era pipe organ Powell says he found and moved into the studio for the recording sessions.
In them, he pleaded for the contemporary vitality of painting that was spatially expansive and dramatic, like the art of the Baroque, particularly his beloved Caravaggio.
The Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus (the House of Al-Andalus Memories) encased in a former Sephardic Jewish mansion in the higgledy-piggledy Santa Cruz quarter, has garnered an excellent reputation in recent years for its heavy Baroque atmosphere and skilful musicians who are not afraid to improvise.
And if Verdi had lived, say, in the Baroque era, when operas nearly always had happy endings, Violetta might have done just as well for herself.