The Scottish Green Party also launched its manifesto for the general election on Thursday.
In the process, both men gave the Republicans plenty of ammunition for the general election.
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Duke University, political scientist, David Rohde says this has big implications for the general election.
In New Hampshire, 57 percent of eligible voters turned out for the general election in November 1996.
She said the constituency had effectively been left with no candidate for the General Election by the decision.
Mr Cameron also used his message to call for the general election campaign to be a "good clean fight".
The win in the southern state will boost the Congress Party's confidence as it prepares for the general election.
But the biggest decision it's unable to make right now involves McCain's public funds for the general election campaign.
The prime minister is expected to announce next week that this will also be the date for the general election.
Another idea: Holding the convention in late August made sense when candidates relied on public financing for the general election.
It was a critically important period of time that and, you know, frankly really prepared us for the general election.
He says McCain needs to begin refining his own plans for the general election, in which he must unite his party.
Georgia will have a big primary but should remain Republican unless a candidate ill-suited for the general election sneaks through the primary.
We explain what the BBC's predictions for the general election results mean.
On the issue of campaign financing, Obama announced on Thursday that he would not take public financing for the general election.
Now he will want to capitalise on his new strong position and use the rally as the launch pad for the general election.
If she could somehow secure the nomination it might prove a sour victory, with many Democratic voters staying home for the general election.
However, since indicating he will accept public financing for the general election, he has returned nearly all of the money he has raised for it.
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Clinton and Obama should run together for the general election, combining two awesome factions of energized voters and organized campaign strategists, to result in victory come November.
How Mr. Romney does with Florida's voter segments matters more than in other states because the state itself is seen as a microcosm for the general election.
Obama would be the first major presidential candidate to drop out of the modern campaign financing system for the general election since its creation in 1976 in the post-Watergate era.
CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing
And if we don't build around an economic agenda, all of the other stuff seems to kind of fall off the plate when it comes time for the general election.
The FEC ruled unanimously in March 2007 that presidential candidates could accept general election public financing, provided that they return any money raised for the general election while following certain guidelines.
CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing
This week the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers expressed "profound regret" that the last government had not lifted the total ban on prisoners voting in time for the general election.
It was also looking to get lawmakers' approval for a program that would ensure cheap food grains to two-thirds of India's population and provide a major campaigning plank for the general election.
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Mr Sharon has promised him a top place on Likud's list of candidates for the general election, but has pointedly stopped short of promising him a top job in the next government.
The SNP leader said that, over the next few months, the party would be sitting down to establish the framework for the general election fight based on the policy areas of health, education, pensions, poverty, jobs, fuel costs and crime.
Labour sources insisted this did not amount to a commitment about what the party might promise in their manifesto for the 2015 general election, or what the party might actually do if it were elected.