At the same time, its neutral malleability can be a great competitive advantage to the most resourceful creators, and a delight for the most inquisitive consumers.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Legal torrent sites are innovators of media consumption
For the more inquisitive of us, though, Palm is offering a detailed breakdown of how the updates get pushed down to the phone and under what circumstances.
ENGADGET: Palm's webOS over-the-air firmware update process explained
At any rate, back on Capitol Hill, while various Congressional figures sounded inquisitive for the TV cameras and some of them probed Mr. Bernanke fairly hard on his report, the tables were eventually turned on them.
FORBES: In The Lead - QE: Quite Elusive
Mr McFarlane complains about creelers, who place pots baited with rotting fish on the seabed and wait for inquisitive prawns to crawl in.
ECONOMIST: Fishing in Scotland
The storeowner outside Hyderabad chatted happily with the pair of inquisitive economists for two hours.
ECONOMIST: Economics focus: The in-betweeners | The
The rest of America looks on bewildered then sends its more fun-loving and inquisitive citizens to the French Quarter for a piece of the action.
BBC: New Orleans and the 'Super Gras'
Paradise for photographers, PNG is an ultimate destination for idealistic, inquisitive and energetic travelers eager to explore one of the most fascinating and non-commercial countries on earth.
FORBES: Crash The Wildest Parties In The World In Papua New Guinea