Under an agreement signed in 2000, German firm Bayer is responsible for the third stage of trials and marketing of the drug while PPL takes on manufacturing the drug.
The energy sector underperformed the broader market for the first half of 2010 before rising commodity prices provided some lift in the third quarter and set the stage for a rally into 2011.
As the Commons considered the Scotland Bill for a third day at committee stage on 15 March 2011, Labour MP for Central Ayrshire Brian Donohoe said that the system was "crazy".
But when they want to exit and move on to the next investment, firms look around for second and third stage investment, and there's a big gap in the Scottish finance market.
World title holders Ghana failed to qualify for the tournament as they finished third in the group stage of the Africa Youth Championship.
For the task ahead, we must move to the third stage of combating poverty in America.
Organizers also added an additional computer test for the semifinals, imposed time limits on computer-based spelling and vocabulary tests and added a rule that resulted in automatic elimination for any participant who misspelled a word on stage in the second or third rounds.
The third quarter was rough for the U.S., setting the stage for a potentially worse fourth quarter, and an outright recession.
For three successive tournaments Nigeria finished in third place before crashing out at the quarterfinal stage of the 2008 edition in a 2-1 defeat by Ghana.
Third, cost cutting and other restructuring efforts are setting the stage for higher returns.
Scotland's Colin McRae suffered a puncture on the last stage, ending his chances of overhauling Subaru's Tommi Makinen for third.
Last week, industry leader Ormat Technologies Inc. (NYSE:ORA) set the stage by beating analyst expectations for both earnings and revenue per share in the third quarter, and announcing a deal to buy a project in Honduras.
"He is third in line to the throne, he's been on the world stage for weeks and weeks, he is supposedly surrounded by police security officers, " he said.
The two variants share many design features but use different engines in their third segment, or stage - the part of the Soyuz said to have been responsible for the failure five days ago.
Wawrinka had also called for the trainer to strap his thigh during a bizarre third set that saw both men appear close to retirement at one stage, but the Swiss proved the stronger in the closing stages.
Early stage delinquencies substantially declined in the third quarter of last year and have remained below 5% for three consecutive quarters, which should lead to lower levels of credit provisions as the older vintage of poor credit quality continues to age and is written off, McClintock wrote.