Securities industry rules forbid your old brokerage firm to drag its feet in transferring your account.
If it comes to pass, it would forbid all imports of beluga sturgeon products.
While Celtic festival fires were burning on Tara, the High Kings forbid other fires in the area.
Heaven forbid that a man would ever actually marry a woman who's fun to be around.
Sorry, TJ, but our corporate policies forbid us from shaking hands with guests on the air.
U. Treaty, which deal with competition among businesses and forbid the creation of anti-competitive cartels.
FORBES: Here's The Legal Complaint WikiLeaks Is Threatening To File Against Visa, MasterCard
If upheld, the law would forbid insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions.
BBC: US Supreme Court hears challenge to Obama healthcare law
The Mets, who are generally wary of injury-related publicity, forbid Romanick from commenting for this article.
Maybe they go to a restaurant or, heaven forbid, take a vacation once in a while.
For starters, local laws forbid foreigners from owning the majority of a business in the Philippines.
God forbid anything happens, I just don't know how they can say this without proving it.
In Oklahoma, they want to forbid state courts from making reference to Islamic Sharia law.
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The last method is a potential problem since religious officials forbid sex outside marriage.
But contrary to what many people believe, it did not forbid all of them.
The rules forbid a tennis player from even talking to his coach while on the court.
Twenty states, including Maryland, Illinois and Utah, forbid you to play at home for money--even penny stakes.
God forbid the local DAs in New York City kept their attention focused on local crime issues.
"Nobody in their right mind wanted that, God forbid, Lincolnshire would have taken a hammering, " he said.
Or, God forbid, a criminal who has come to case the territory for a gang of burglars?
Heaven forbid that any of them should doubt Camping on the strength of his most recent failed prediction.
Thus malls can forbid customers from wearing hooded jackets (as Bluewater, a mall in Kent, did in 2005).
Still, AAU rules forbid the participation of any coach or administrator facing potentially credible allegations of sexual misconduct.
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The laws of most states forbid any hint or suggestion that moderate alcohol use might confer health benefits.
So most onsen proprietors forbid anyone with tattoos from entering the shared hot baths, presto change-o, no gangsters.
This opt-out provision lets you specifically forbid the companies from sharing or trading nearly all information about you.
In some instances it would be impossible, and probably undesirable, to forbid employee access to certain social networking sites.
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Other countries forbid most types of short-term contracts and set high minimum wages.
ECONOMIST: A new report gives governments some facts to ponder
Evans ruling, striking down a Colorado constitutional amendment that forbid local communities from passing laws banning discrimination against gays.
CNN: Obama views on same-sex marriage reflect societal shifts
When the violation involves reckless driving or, God forbid, DUI, things get stickier.
Only two states, Colorado and Montana are equal minded enough to forbid gender discriminatory pricing by insurers.
FORBES: Gender-Discriminatory Insurance Pricing: I'm Outraged!