The article 'Beijing's once Forbidden City' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
Eventually you will come to Jinghsen Qanyie Road and the moat and wall of the Forbidden City.
Start your cycle tour at breakfast time in one of the hutongs (alleys) north of the Forbidden City.
On the western and eastern sides of the Forbidden City are an assortment of libraries, temples, theatres and gardens.
Like Muzak-meister Yanni, Li has even performed within the hallowed walls of Beijing's Forbidden City.
The China Club, near the Forbidden City and owned by the well-known Hong Kong entrepreneur David Tang.
Ever wondered what the Forbidden City or the Great Wall would look like if they were made of ice?
This was the portal through which Chinese emperors emerged from their palace, the Forbidden City, to meet the people.
For 500 years commoners were prohibited from entering the Forbidden City .
He likes the hotel for its location in the diplomatic district near the Forbidden City and the attached retail mall.
Dusk is falling over the Forbidden City, the former imperial residence, and the last crowds of the day are filtering out through the gateways.
There is the Forbidden City, which is the ancient imperial palace where dozens of Chinese emperors ruled the country for 500 years.
Fourteen Ming and 10 Qing emperors called the Forbidden City home and the intrigue, scandal and drama that went on here has inspired countless films and books.
In the Forbidden City they were given a show of huge ancient scrolls that were silently rolled and unrolled by women trained for the task.
The stately building is home to one of the world's top collections of Chinese art, including most of the imperial treasures once housed in Beijing's Forbidden City.
For something more regal, try the imperial hutong courtyards, including those once lived in by royal eunuchs, in the area immediately northeast of Jingshan Park, just north of the Forbidden City.
The Forbidden City in Beijing, for example, has 9, 999 rooms.
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Linked Hybrid is sited just 2.5 miles from the Forbidden City and its residents can apparently see into the former palace on a "clear day, " Holl tells CNN.
Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall.
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The trip included visits to the forbidden city and great wall of China in Beijing, the terra cotta warrior museum in Xi An and the Bund and French Concession in Shanghai.
At the northern end of the Forbidden City is the Imperial Garden, a classical Chinese garden with 7, 000 sq metres of fine landscaping, including rockeries, walkways, pavilions and ancient - carbuncular and deformed - cypresses.
The popular royal dish moved with the court to Beijing in the early 15th Century and the many cooks who made a pilgrimage to the new palace kitchens of the Forbidden City to impress the emperors refined it over time.
Alcohol consumption is forbidden in New York City's subway system.
The event, which runs on the first Thursday of the month, is organised by history-themed operator Forbidden Vancouver, which also runs additional guided tours around the city.
This can happen even if the employee's views are expressed outside of work (as happened to Allstate's Matt Barber, who was fired), and when no reference is made to sexual orientation (as happened to the City of Oakland's Good News Employee Association, which was forbidden to speak about "family values").
This in a city and at a time where all forms of violence or injury or hot-headedness are strictly forbidden.
First, Audin's men were forbidden from operating checkpoints along the roads, then they were banned from carrying weapons while out of uniform in the city, and finally they were prohibited from wearing their uniforms in the city limits as well.