At night, walking around the sharp turns of the alleys can feel thrillingly forbidding.
Spewing volcanoes and forbidding lava fields make for a land of beautiful, barren expanses and infinite adventure.
Many students found Berman forbidding, but some of the teachers referred to him as a genius.
Until they came under antitrust attack three decades ago, they had rules forbidding discounts for cash.
At the edge of his tree line is a forbidding 4-foot hole in the ground.
Asensio also wants to do away with the rule forbidding shorts from suing their targets.
Anthony coin: It looked like a quarter, and the portrait of Anthony was rather forbidding.
The fact that it launches a projected trilogy makes it all the more forbidding.
Soon, Sun won a preliminary injunction forbidding Microsoft from distributing incompatible versions of the language.
He also refused to lift a gagging order forbidding lawyers from talking about the case.
The church was tiny, built of dark, almost black stone that gave it a forbidding air.
In one sense, that job looks less forbidding than the sound and fury suggests.
And then she started walking, in pitch black darkness, through steep and forbidding terrain.
The lifesaving serum had to travel a harrowing 674 miles over forbidding terrain via dogsled.
The Agriculture Committee agreed that EU rules forbidding double payments should be waived to help farmers.
The terrain is forbidding and, with the winter snows expected next month, so is the weather.
Past a pair of forbidding black gates lies 22, 000 square feet of garden abutting a water canal.
One would strengthen the presumption of innocence by forbidding the publication of photographs of suspects in handcuffs.
Of course, in those days there were no laws forbidding employer discrimination based on gender or race.
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Farther down the mountain, at Barisakho, stands a warning to grandiose plans in the forbidding Caucasus terrain.
The contract clause forbidding use of PED (performance enhancing drugs) was violated too many times to count.
Some states passed legislation forbidding a trailer to stay in any one place longer than ten days.
The feds are investigating it for locking in agents exclusively and forbidding them to offer cheaper rival services.
The Southbank Centre, a forbidding post-war concrete complex formerly visited only by serious culture consumers, has been transformed.
ECONOMIST: London��s public spaces have got better, but not good enough
Outdated traditions include a brother forbidding his sister to marry and then "shaming" her by withholding her dowry.
The government is considering an order forbidding political parties from holding rallies in the busy streets of central Dhaka.
The obstacles to fundamental change are so forbidding that leaders will always be tempted to try to muddle through.
Such assets are usually forbidding to real estate investors, frequently for good reason.
When I mention that the rule forbidding late-staying guests will now oblige me to leave, they burst out laughing.
They try to read the wording of the initiative, but find it forbidding.