"When we force-feed ducks and geese and we stop the force-feeding, the liver recesses to normal, " Daguin says.
CNN: Foie gras causes uproar
The connective cells, known as fibroblasts, are then isolated and an electrical current is used to force-feed them with the snippets of DNA that make factor VIII.
BBC: Genetics work eases haemophilia
One solution would be to force-feed them with even more capital, but Gordon Brown said on January 4th that this was not a front-runner among possible new measures.
ECONOMIST: Britain's economy: Combating the recession | The
The biotech industry is also vulnerable to the charge that it tried to force-feed the market by flooding Europe with so much modified soya as to make regulating it impossible.
ECONOMIST: In defence of the demon seed
The policy there is massive intervention to force-feed credit markets and then a selective pull-back (as lately was with housing in some markets) lest the pump be primed too well.
FORBES: Macroeconomic test, U.S. v China
The best way to prevent arrogance is to force NPR to feed at the humble level where the for-profit institutions feed.
FORBES: Magazine Article