Evan Bayh, D-Indiana, said believes Iraq is a real threat, but added that the White House has more convincing to do on Capitol Hill and to the American people before asking Congress to approve a use-of-force resolution against Iraq.
However, the argument that resolution 1441 alone has revived the authorisation to use force in resolution 678 will only be sustainable if there are strong factual grounds for concluding that Iraq has failed to take the final opportunity.
The Soviets stalled Security Council approval of the "use of force" resolution for days.
The main force behind this resolution, which was sponsored on its behalf, is the 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
But all except one of the Democrats' leading presidential candidates supported the congressional resolution authorising force.
Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said he wants the Senate to vote on a resolution of force soon.
But he abstained on the resolution authorising force in Libya (having originally wanted to vote no, it is said).
ECONOMIST: The liberal party touches new depths. Time for a new leader?
The American and British governments have long known that any resolution authorising force would be vetoed by Russia and China, both permanent members of the council.
At the UN, Russia and the US are locked in frantic discussions about a tough new resolution to force Mr Hussein surrender weapons of mass destruction.
If the dispute cannot be resolved using these mechanisms, then the matter will be referred on the next business day to a disputes resolution task force for a binding decision.
Friday, Bush turned up the heat on Democrats, lashing out at the suggestion that Congress ought to wait for the United Nations to act before approving a resolution of force against Iraq.
Security Council authorized Member States to establish a NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) in Resolution 1244 on June 10, 1999.
The final reason that taking on Hagel is extraordinarily risky for the GOP is that Hagel's most famous maverick move was coming out as a critic of President George W. Bush's war in Iraq despite the fact that he had supported the original resolution to use force if necessary.
But the resolution does not authorise force, let alone give America carte blanche for such actions.
No formal announcement on Britain's role is expected until next week, timed to coincide with a UN Security Council resolution giving the security force a mandate.
He vetoed first an American resolution calling on both belligerents to withdraw and on other states to refrain from using or threatening force in the area, and then a Russian resolution which left out the second part of the exhortation.
There is no Security Council resolution which imposes an arms embargo in Lebanon and such force would have as its obligation to report any violation of this particular Security Council resolution.
But a resolution endorsing the use of force would almost certainly run into a veto.
Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force to liquidate such uninspected facilities by that time.
Last year, Sudan rejected a U.N. force and only agreed to accept the hybrid force spelled out in Tuesday's resolution after months of negotiations.
Security Council resolution on the use of force to liberate Kuwait.
Kerry voted against committing U.S. troops in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, but he supported the October congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq.
Austria bans the transit of US troops and equipment across its territory from Germany to Italy without a second UN resolution authorising the use of force against Iraq.
He voted against committing U.S. troops in the 1991 Persian Gulf War but supported the October congressional resolution authorizing the use of force to disarm Iraq in the current standoff.
Security Council approved a resolution Friday to authorize a multinational force to go into Liberia, by a vote of 12-0.
The United Nations has passed a good resolution that has authorized an international force, led by France and Italy, to help you restore Lebanese sovereignty over Lebanese soil.
Kerry voted for a congressional resolution authorizing Bush to use military force in Iraq but said that if he had been commander in chief, he would have made vastly different decisions with that authority.
The force will be deployed under UN Security Council resolution 2085, which was passed in December and allows for a 3, 000-strong African-led mission to intervene in Mali later this year in the absence of any negotiated solution.
Later at the United Nations, Russia introduced a resolution to ban NATO air strikes and force a demilitarization of safe zones in Bosnia.
The Security Council has approved a resolution that would transform the African Union force into a blue-helmeted force that is larger and more robust.