The Lib Dems are passionate about their pro-Europeanism, their liberal take on crime and their dovishness on military and foreign matters.
The meeting with Netanyahu was mostly one to foster bilateral cooperation rather than foreign policy matters.
One senior Bush administration official warned that Hagel is ill informed about many critical foreign policy matters.
Foreign policy matters less in this contest than in any in living memory.
He served as a Congressional aide in foreign policy matters and worked his way up through the office of the Senator from Wisconsin.
FORBES: How Does The Current Republican Ticket Compare To Reagan/Bush?
The National Security Council (NSC) is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials.
Let me say at the outset that I approach this subject from the perspective of a policy practitioner in defense and foreign policy matters, not as a climatologist.
As is our custom, Ben will do a little preview for you of the trip to come and take questions on the trip and other foreign policy matters if you want to address those to him.
As it is, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela already are the key suppliers of oil to the U.S. But middle eastern oil nations have gotten the U.S. into more than one tight spot on foreign policy matters.
Senator Kyl, one of the most influential members of the Senate on national security and foreign policy matters and the 1994 recipient of the Center's prestigious "Keeper of the Flame" award, argued forcefully for maintaining both the credibility and capabilities of our nuclear forces.
Obama's campaign has accused Romney of shifting positions on foreign policy matters and mishandling a trip to England, Israel and Poland this summer when he publicly questioned London's preparedness to host the Olympic Games and cited cultural differences as a reason for economic disparities between Israelis and Palestinians.
CNN: Campaign enters final stretch as Obama takes final debate
However, Pakistan's army, which has until now controlled security and foreign-policy matters, has been skeptical about such negotiations.
This treaty, which is due to be adopted at a diplomatic conference in June, was first proposed by the American government in the early 1990s to formalise worldwide what American courts already often do: enforce foreign judgments in matters such as intellectual-property claims, contractual disputes and libel.
There would certainly be rows within the party, which some people reckon could be as fierce as those that rent it in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the pragmatic Helmut Schmidt was chancellor and the visionary Willy Brandt was chairman, even though much of the feuding then was over foreign and defence matters.
The Danish government controls defence policy, foreign affairs, monetary matters, the church and the police.
The White House has far more control over matters of foreign policy than it does over markets.
It is a fact that he has in recent weeks been intensively engaged in matters of foreign affairs.
The Center for Security Policy is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization specializing in U.S. foreign and defense policy matters.
Per the Constitution, the federal apparatus primarily pertains to matters of foreign policy.
Again, I think on matters of foreign policy, we shouldn't play partisan politics.
In matters of foreign policy however, Obama will be less burdened by - but not immune - to Congressional oversight.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
The two men edge apart, too, in matters of foreign policy.
ECONOMIST: D’Alema and Veltroni, rivals on Italy’s left | The
And broadly speaking, he is intensively engaged, as he has been since he took the oath of office, in matters of foreign affairs and national security.
Under Mr. Gaffney's leadership, the Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters.
Television viewers will know Smith from her portrayal of the hawkish Dr Nancy McNally, one of the president's chief advisers on foreign policy and military matters in The West Wing.
Apart from foreign policy (which matters to some Brazilians but not to the mass of voters), the differences between the two main candidates are sharpest over the role of the state in the economy.
Apart from an allusion now and then to his "thirty-five years of foreign policy experience, " John Kerry has been astonishingly taciturn about his twenty-year record on defense programs, intelligence matters and foreign affairs in the United States Senate.
In effect it would lay out a path whereby Europe would become more integrated in many areas while leaving veto rights with member states in such matters as foreign policy, taxation and defense--and Europeans with a voice in making those decisions.
It is Mr Khamenei, not the president, who ultimately calls the shots in foreign policy, including nuclear matters.
Pervez Musharraf's military-led government in 2008, Pakistani military and intelligence has retained oversight over key foreign-policy and security matters.