• So foreign is this product to their corporate culture that the banks never installed the systems needed to collect the monthly payments of principal and interest that make this product unique.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Paul Coates was hurt by the last nominated product - foreign currency mortgages.

    BBC: 'Dangerous' financial products named

  • Gross domestic product, foreign exchange reserves, current account surpluses - big numbers are thrown around daily as Asia tries to measure how bad the Crisis is and whether it is bottoming out.


  • Consider that the Koreans - indeed, Asians throughout the region - are confronting demands from foreign investors to remake their product mix, their financial systems and even their corporate cultures.


  • In general terms, dumping is defined as the sale of a product in a foreign market at a lower price than the price obtained by the same producer in his home market.

    FORBES: Protectionist Antidumping Regime is a Pox on America's Glass House

  • But as the Taleban were themselves a product of US foreign policy and Bin Laden a US import into Afghanistan it is ultimately the responsibility of the US and its allies to feed these people and get them safely back to their homes.

    BBC: Have the Afghan refugees been forgotten?

  • New models need a make over to match Ford's line-up of new product as well as foreign imports.

    FORBES: Is Art Gold Or Vice Versa?

  • At Little Pim we established ourselves pretty quickly as the go-to product for parents seeking foreign language programs for their kids, but we needed to go beyond this customer base if we were going to achieve the kind of scale we dreamed about.

    FORBES: Marketing Mojo: Making $8K Look Like $120K

  • There are also those in the wings with another product to flog: a foreign-exchange derivative which, because it is a bet settled for cash, also reduces Herstatt risk.

    ECONOMIST: Foreign exchange

  • For the first time in 24 years -- Americans like your product better than they like foreign products that are made here. (Applause.) That's a big deal.

    WHITEHOUSE: Standing Behind the American Auto Industry

  • So it's not how many people--who wins the weekend, it's how much money a film generates for a studio, not merely from the box office, which is the smallest part--it's only 20 percent of the earnings--but from television sales where it's shown on television--network, pay television, cable--and, of course, DVD and video, foreign sales, toy licensing and even product placement.

    NPR: Slate's Hollywood Economics: Bogus Box Office Numbers

  • Agriculture contributes a third of the country's gross domestic product, generating much of its foreign exchange.

    BBC: Gambia struggles with economic reform

  • The Toyota and Boeing stories underscore starkly contrasted approaches to outsourcing, supply chain management, and the quality management needed in a marketplace where public fears fester each time a serious product risk is traced to a foreign source.

    FORBES: Spotlight on Outsourcing: Boeing Scrambles as Toyota Triumphs

  • In addition to the tax cut package, the Senate also has yet to deal with the House's welfare reform package, its anti-crime proposals, legal and product liability reform, and its foreign policy plank to curb the use of U.S. troops in U.N. run missions.

    CNN: From Charles Bierbauer

  • Seems a near-decade of comedy routines, movies and TV commercials that poke fun at foreign accents in distant lands answering questions about simple product information has had an effect.

    FORBES: Back to the Future: Longing for That Personal Mom-and-Pop Touch

  • Regardless, I think the strategy here is to provide Chinese consumers with a new product intended to wean them away from foreign cars and make them more accepting of Chinese brands.

    FORBES: The Missing Link In China's Auto Development?

  • Such sanctions can also be undermined by so-called "foreign availability" (or the ability of other foreign companies to step in and supply the same product) and constrain potentially useful people-to-people contact and other forms of bridge-building with potential adversaries or competitor nations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Leveraging US capital markets to advance peace in Sudan

  • But what's set Goodbaby apart from other infant-and-child-product manufacturers in China is an infusion of foreign funds and foreign experience.

    FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

  • Many CEOs must demonstrate not only revenues-growth, but also diplomatic skills, gaining the trust of the Board, motivating their reporting VPs (Sales, Engineering, Product, Marketing), and seeking new foreign hyper-growth markets.

    FORBES: The Global Tech C-Level Executive Search (What Corporate HR Managers and Recruiters Look For)

  • As a result of shifting responsibility for retirement planning onto workers and financial product innovation, virtually all Americans (and foreign investors for that matter) that had accumulated any degree of wealth turned to financial services firms for expert, independent investment advice and investment products.

    FORBES: On Your Own: Investing in An Era of Irrelevant Regulation (October 2009)

  • What this shows is that like his domestic agenda, Obama's foreign policy - including his national security policy - is the product of his firmly held beliefs and ideological commitments.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The perils of presidential failure

  • Thanks largely to energy revenue, Russia this summer paid off debts to foreign creditors well ahead of schedule, economists expect gross domestic product growth of 6.5% for 2006, and the market is up 35% this year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Many startups have to maintain a focused product just to convince a new audience to try something foreign.


  • Japanese consumers are said (by politicians and bureaucrats, that is) to be either indifferent to how such protection reduces choice and raises prices, or to support protectionism because they fear contaminated and disease-bearing foreign products, and the vulnerability of Japan to blockages of agricultural product imports.

    FORBES: WTO Critique Of Japanese Agriculture

  • It has been one of the fastest-growing cities in America in terms of gross domestic product (67% increase from 2001 to 2006) and foreign-born population (65% increase from 2001 to 2007).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That is UN-speak for a commitment developed nations like the United States undertook in 2002 to commit 0.7% of their gross domestic product to Official Development Assistance (ODA, also known as foreign aid).

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Clinton's soak the rich Americans

  • He reiterated the government will stick to its fiscal correction roadmap--of reducing the fiscal deficit to 3% of gross domestic product by March 2017--and that it was also reviewing its foreign direct investment policy to attract more overseas investors.

    WSJ: India PM Says Pessimism Over Economy Unwarranted

  • Apparently, something about them being foreign-owned stimulated them to be more agile and creative, which resulted in more product introductions.

    FORBES: Can countries benefit from having their domestic firms acquired by foreign companies?

  • Given the extraordinary share of foreign trade in its overall economy (as high as up to 65 percent of its gross domestic product), China has become a champion of free trade and strong opponent to protectionism.

    CNN: Opinion: The end of revolution

  • Such solutions deal with only a few of "thousands of related issues, " Upson said, including how to handle product sales to American consumers that take place on American company-owned servers based in foreign countries and how to tax the sale of digital goods and intellectual property such as software and computer-generated music.

    CNN: The Internet tax revolt

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