More than 800, 000 Maya nut trees have been planted for rain forest conservation.
They have a strong emphasis on forest conservation - while settlers can cultivate their own individual plots, they cannot sell them.
"We now have very strong evidence that Brazil's ability to generate electricity depends on forest conservation, " said co-author Dr Daniel Nepstad, executive director of IPAM-IP.
BBC: Rainforest plays critical role in hydropower generation
Large-scale forest conservation is difficult because no two forests are alike.
To encourage this shift, they issued a raft of incentives for forest conservation, such as tax breaks for non-timber forest products like rubber, palm hearts and nuts.
Training rural women about the Maya nut has made them champions of rain forest conservation and reforestation, as well as entrepreneurs who turn Maya nut products into income.
Does the recent push on forest conservation stand much chance?
During the past three years, USDA's conservation agencies, the U.S. Forest Service, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Farm Service Agency, have worked with more than half a million farmers, ranchers and forest landowners to enroll record acres in conservation programs, have targeted conservation dollars to locally-driven conservation initiatives and have worked to increase conservation and restoration activities on the 193 million acre National Forest system.
Ecological studies on the restoration of degraded forest land, the conservation of medicinal plants and their sustainable harvesting are being conducted at Achanakmar-Amarkantak.
The forest in Sheka which is also part of the Southwest Highlands Forests of Ethiopia is important for the conservation of the Afromontane forest vegetation types, especially the Afromontane Rainforest and Alpine Bamboo thickets.
Central government, the local community and environmentalists agreed to put land and forest of significance in the control of the Department of Conservation, with a small area of 50, 000 hectares made available for sustainable indigenous forest harvesting.
Vale also highlights its support for an extensive monitoring operation in the forest run by the Brazilian Government's conservation agency ICMBio - so we checked with the agency to get their perspective.
The Tiger Conservation Project would help the wildlife rangers and forest guards who patrol the 25 sanctuaries where the last of the big cats reside.
Participating farms have designated more than 100, 000 hectares as conservation areas, and 99% have not converted any natural forest areas to coffee production since the C.
FORBES: Conservation International: Stemming the Tide of Environmental Crises, Part Two
Yayorin ( is an Indonesian-based conservation project with the mammoth task of teaching its people about conserving the forest and its creatures, with the chief aim being saving existing populations of orangutans.
"Reversing this pattern will hinge on capturing the values of intact forests... so that local people's livelihoods are better when the forest is left standing than when it is cleared, " said the Cambridge professor of conservation science.
The principal aim of these policy instruments was to promote development, social empowerment (poverty alleviation) and environmental conservation through participatory or community-based management and exploitation or utilisation of forests and forest resources.
"Before, we used to record about 30 human deaths because of wildlife attacks annually but in the past few years the figure appears to have risen significantly, " said Forest Ministry spokesman Krishna Acharya who, until recently, headed Nepal's Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation.