The deal has further resulted in a federal criminal investigation and sparked an allegation of forgery.
He now faces jail time for the forgery, and of course lost out on the loot.
Mumbai Police said Mr. Meiyappan was arrested on initial charges of cheating, conspiracy and forgery.
Webb, who pleaded guilty to the robbery and forgery charges, received a sentence of fifteen years.
Mr Rutter was convicted in a Los Angeles court of forgery, attempted grand theft and perjury.
Enron defrauded employees and investors, Tyco executed fraudulent acquisition accounting, ZZZZ Best committed forgery and theft.
FORBES: Tenet One of Eleven: Ethically Maximize Wealth by Guest Blogger Peter Milan
There was a 16% rise in recorded burglaries, while fraud and forgery cases rose by 45%.
BBC: Gwent Police 15% crime drop biggest in England and Wales
It is certain that electronic signatures will be open to forgery and manipulation, he says.
The photo, which Stardust had downloaded from the Internet, was the product of high-tech electronic forgery.
Louis archive for three decades, looked at the document and pronounced it a forgery.
He is currently on bail facing six charges - including three counts of forgery.
Other notifiable offences - includes fraud and forgery, blackmail, drug offences, and dangerous driving.
Morrissey was convicted of four felonies and a misdemeanor, including forgery and scheming to defraud Astor.
The reason for introducing them, he has explained, is to combat fraud and forgery.
In the event he was found guilty of his earlier forgery and sentenced to transportation.
In his trial at the Old Bailey in 1837 he pleaded guilty only to forgery.
At the time that Webb came forward against Willingham, he was facing charges of robbery and forgery.
Garriott later disputed the letter, saying it was a forgery used to remove him from the company.
FORBES: Richard Garriott's 'Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues' Launches On Kickstarter
At least seven other people, including police officers, have been detained for helping her with the forgery.
For once Chagall had no trouble perceiving the fraud, and destroyed the forgery with his own hands.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
There was a 35% increase in recorded fraud and forgery cases and drug offences were up by 16%.
BBC: Gwent Police 15% crime drop biggest in England and Wales
Worse, in some cases the offending spouse has the gall to ask the stockbroker to notarize the forgery!
FORBES: Husband's Unauthorized Withdrawals Land Stockbroker In Hot Water
Niazi's supporters say he was entrapped by an agent provocateur and emphasize the informant's criminal record for forgery.
For his pains he was accused of forgery, had his parliamentary immunity lifted, and was clapped in jail.
Having said that, howsabout we now turn to the tedious task of examining the black letter law of forgery?
FORBES: Line Between Signature And Forgery Trips Up Former Wells Fargo Broker
If the inspector comes and says 'it's a forgery, ' you say 'oh my God, did I inherit a forgery?
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Italy struggles with art crime wave
She admitted one count of child cruelty, eight counts of fraud and one of forgery by faking doctors' letters.
The new research suggests that under that forgery lies a real Roman fresco.
The chief minister said the government would also investigate the allegations of forgery.
The power of street art, like forgery, is that it cannot be avoided.