But true friendship -- and I hope you will forgive me, but true friendship demands honesty.
Are they going to forgive me when I can't react and listen to them?
So forgive me for not placing a lot of weight on their current opinions.
They saw the comic potential of his hairdresser roots, if you forgive me that dreadful pun.
If you will forgive me, you know someone has once likened government to a baby.
Forgive me for being small, but my main worry has been, and remains, the price of vegetables.
Also, please forgive me a few days and a few points grace before the 14, 000 barrier is passed.
And when I say there are people who will hear this and never forgive me, I understand that.
Forgive me the sin of using round numbers, but 3% is close enough for the sake of my argument.
Now I can say I am not so special to the Chelsea supporters, who will probably never forgive me.
Forgive me my excitement, but our future looks boundless, and all of us here can't wait to make it happen.
Then one of two things happened (and forgive me for being a little hazy here as to which happened first).
Baseball fans will have to forgive me here, but the answer, I think, is that football is the quintessential American sport.
So if you will forgive me, I will do my best to say what it is I want to say to you.
And you'll forgive me, but I think those of us who are Americans by choice rather than by birth have a different view.
Forgive me, I suppose I should be celebrating the Cyprus deal.
May I add (and please forgive me) that even with this small ocean of liquid sloshing around, I had no urge to pee during the entire afternoon.
But there is, obviously, which is the very onerous actions that would be forced on the Congress by the sequestration -- forgive me for using that word -- by the trigger.
Forgive me if this seems a tad tedious - if, for instance, you think there's more to life than football - but it's a story that gets ever more eye-popping and surreal.
He probably won't forgive me for saying that a pass in English is not guaranteed as he has managed to spell the amateur bit of amateur jockey wrong in his account profile.
The clever bit (and forgive me - it's hard not to make this sound like a plug) is wrapped up in the software being worked on by a team of about 70.
Forgive me for saying, but those who choose "internet" over "Internet" are as wrong as those who would visit london, meet the queen or go for a boat trip down the river thames.
Except for feeling wiped out, I was back to sounding authoritative and in control, even tilting my head and smirking sheepishly as if to say, You'll forgive me for that little freak-out I just had.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence
Secondly, on -- forgive me for doing the Bloomberg thing -- LIFO and FIFO -- this is about regularizing a situation so that, for example, oil and gas companies who deal in commodities that fluctuate in price.
So forgive me for giving hard advice.
FORBES: Vulnerability Intelligence Versus Vulnerability Management