The reality: these marketers are forking over a pretty penny to reach a silver-haired consumer base.
After all, the cable business is predicated on consumers forking over money for access.
Martorana is hardly alone in forking over so much money to the tech juggernaut.
In the past, forking over the e-mail on a given topic was often enough.
In exchange for forking over equity, the act receives a cash advance and promises of funding for future ventures.
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Sometimes it means you are simply forking over more of your actual wealth.
The second way in which the path is forking is in terms of the pair's respective appetites for change.
After forking out a little too much for that hilarious Boy Scout shirt, guilt may preclude a full-fledged restaurant meal.
Forking over that hundred bucks also gets you the PowerDVD Mobile and Remote apps for iOS and Android for free.
Whatever the motivation, there's no denying that people are forking over hundreds--and in many cases thousands--of dollars to furnish their homes.
"Forking a repo" is a term used by developers to mean using somebody else's project as a starting point for your own.
To stand a chance of putting them behind bars, you almost have to catch them in the act of forking over secrets.
Scottish taxpayers would be right to flinch at forking out much more.
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Will a community like Linux develop or will there be massive forking?
Another non-discretionary purchase we will all now be forking out more for.
Clearly investors are telling companies that if they reinvest heavily instead of forking over the money to shareholders, the returns had better be great.
East Kalimantan, for example, spent 11 billion rupiah on the local team last year, even forking out on players from Mexico, Argentina and South Korea.
Someone claiming to be the man in question apologised in online forum Hacker News for any offence caused but denied saying anything inappropriate about "forking".
Whatever you settle on, you can pretty much rest assured that it'll be cheaper than forking out for one of Bose's hilariously overpriced Lifestyle systems.
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"While I did make a big dongle joke about a fictional piece of hardware that identified as male, no sexual jokes were made about forking, " he wrote.
Quietly forking over a few hundred or thousand dollars as the cost of retaining thousands of dollars in annual commissions or fees often seems a no-brainer to many stockbrokers.
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At the very least, seriously consider forking over the extra bucks for full replacement or replacement cost coverage, which would pay for the replacement of your home if it were severely damaged.
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Given the woes of Citigroup and some other troubled financial institutions, taxpayers might question why banks are still forking out any cash to good causes rather than using it to repay government loans.
One of Sarkozy's proposals would allow people who get snagged by France's wealth tax the option of investing their money in small and medium-size companies instead of forking it over to the taxman.
But it is making winners out of established companies, too: The rise in Internet traffic is forcing Internet carriers to build out their networks yet again, forking over billions to equipment makers like Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks and Alcatel in the process.
In a bid to acquire a foothold in low-cost generics, the Japanese firm paid 737 rupees a share last June, forking out a premium of 31% to the company's stock price at the time. (See Daiichi Sankyo Decides Generics Are Healthy Biz).
Speaking of forking over money for apps, you can do just that through the web store checkout process -- put in your credit card right on your computer screen, save for later use (if that's your thing), and you're good to go shopping.
This system amounts to what is essentially the energy system commonly found in free-to-play titles and has no place in a paid title, especially one in which the player is forking up a total of around 50 dollars to unlock everything (including initial app price).
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