Rather, the form of law that we have is to me the important thing.
The paradigm shifts in crime and terrorism call for a shift to a more open and participatory form of law enforcement.
Major cities such as Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu fell and a strict form of Islamic law was imposed.
Egypt has been under some form of emergency law for all but eight of the years since 1952.
ECONOMIST: Egypt's 50th anniversary: The revolution and its legacy | The
If Leveson recommends any form of new law to regulate the press the prime minister will face an unpalatable choice.
With a strong nudge from the federal government in the form of a tax law known as 401(k), employers liberated their workers.
Applicable during times of armed conflict, they form the cornerstone of international humanitarian law, setting rules for the treatment of people who are not participating in the fighting -- civilians, health workers and aid workers -- as well as for the wounded, sick or prisoners of war.
As a presidential candidate in 2008, he supported journalist protections in the form of a federal shield law.
As for California, it strives to have a third of its generation mix in the form of green energy, all part of a law that the state enacted in 2011.
For a long time, software was considered by patent law as a form of applied math.
FORBES: The Big Fix #3: How To Untangle The Mess With Software Patents
The measures introduced by the EUTR form part of the Bloc's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan, which was published in 2003.
Together this band of late night policymakers agreed a piece of law to establish and underpin future royal charters, a medieval form of documentation first used in 1066, most commonly to turn towns into cities.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police recently found in a survey of 800 law enforcement agencies that nearly nine out of 10 use some form of social media and more than half reported that social media have helped solve crimes.
Money taken from Medicare in the form of lower Medicare payment rates, mostly in the law's out-years.
It is this difference that will likely form the basis of a court challenge to the new law.
The regulations form part of the new Control of Housing and Work Law.
The only way to stop the proliferation of what are often-secret campaign money laundries is for Congress to change the law that grants these groups this form of tax-exempt status.
FORBES: The IRS-Tea Party Scandal: Many Political Groups Should Not Be Tax-Exempt
That would have to include, by federal law, a catastrophic provision in the form of a stop loss for a family's total health outlays.
The main overhaul plan under consideration in Congress would grant legal status and citizenship to illegal immigrants, which many in the GOP see as a form of amnesty for people who broke U.S. law.
Under military law, nonjudicial punishment is a less severe form of punishment than prosecution.
Not abiding by the privacy policy statement would contradict form ADV and would be a violation of either state or federal law.
But the form is utterly bewildering, and the law itself is full of nitpicking rules about how much of the forgiven debt can actually be excluded.
Virginia: A law allows a concealed handgun permit as a valid form of identification when voting.
And in August Mr Sarkozy pushed through a law obliging public-transport workers to negotiate some form of minimum service during a strike.
The information was made available to the public in the form of files that were not encrypted, as is required by Texas law.
The same bill could then be re-introduced in the Commons in 2013 and, under the terms of the Parliament Act, would become law in the form it left the Commons, once the Lords amended or rejected it.
In that same column, I surmised that any new tax revenue would likely be pursued in the form of proposals the President has previously pitched but failed to turn into law, such as eliminating preferences for the oil and gas industries, private jet owners, and private equity fund managers.