Rather, the form of law that we have is to me the important thing.
The paradigm shifts in crime and terrorism call for a shift to a more open and participatory form of law enforcement.
Answer: Allah has obligated all of his servants to be ruled by the Shari'a, and every other form of law is ignorance (jahiliyya).
But where it is seditious, where it is seeking to impose a new form of law on us, instead of our Constitution, that is impermissible.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Frank Gaffney: Jihad by other means
If it is via the law courts that we must turn to remedy the failure of legislators to provide this form of law and order to the majority of Americans who have said that they want it, then so be it.
Major cities such as Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu fell and a strict form of Islamic law was imposed.
Islamists controlling most of the north have vowed to impose a stricter form of Islamic law, or sharia.
Egypt has been under some form of emergency law for all but eight of the years since 1952.
ECONOMIST: Egypt's 50th anniversary: The revolution and its legacy | The
If Leveson recommends any form of new law to regulate the press the prime minister will face an unpalatable choice.
Domestically, the Sudanese government promotes a violent, extreme form of Sharia law.
The Islamist extremists have been waging a war against Somalia's government in an effort to implement a stricter form of Islamic law, or sharia.
It can also refer to the ideas underpinning Islamic finance (which eschews interest) and, most significantly for public policy, to a form of family law.
The proof now in hand, no thanks to the State Department, makes clear the virulently intolerant nature of what the Saudis insist is the authoritative form of Islamic law or Shariah.
And Mr. Arafat quickly set about criminalizing "collaboration" in the post-Oslo entity he has governed since 1993 -- most notoriously in the form of a law making the sale of land to Jews punishable by death.
There is no federal law prohibiting employment discrimination against gays, though 21 states, the District of Columbia, and at least 129 U.S. cities and counties have some form of antidiscrimination law that includes sexual orientation, according to the Human Rights Campaign, a nonprofit advocacy group.
WSJ: Should Gay Business Owners Out Themselves to Job Candidates?
In a common-law system, each decision of the court acts as precedent for future cases and the interpretations form part of the law of Hong Kong.
With a strong nudge from the federal government in the form of a tax law known as 401(k), employers liberated their workers.
But later, the military, in the form of the State Law and Order Restoration Council, violently reassumed power - and retains it.
Applicable during times of armed conflict, they form the cornerstone of international humanitarian law, setting rules for the treatment of people who are not participating in the fighting -- civilians, health workers and aid workers -- as well as for the wounded, sick or prisoners of war.
As a presidential candidate in 2008, he supported journalist protections in the form of a federal shield law.
For all these reasons, we should ensure that neither shariah nor any other form of foreign or transnational law is allowed to trump our constitutional rights.
As for California, it strives to have a third of its generation mix in the form of green energy, all part of a law that the state enacted in 2011.
While the study suggests that most American Muslims do not attend either these sorts of institutions or the substantially smaller percentage that promote a peaceful, tolerant and law-abiding form of Islam, the preponderance of mosque-going Muslims in this country are being regularly exposed to a potentially violent jihadist strain of the faith.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: New Shariah study documents Islamist threat
In a statement on Tuesday, the magazine said it was motivated by the recent victory of the Islamist Ennadha party in elections in Tunisia, and by indications that sharia law could form the basis of legislation in post-Gaddafi Libya.
But to do this, they must first end their involvement in terrorism and open their economy to free market forces and the transparency and rule of law and protection for property rights that form the foundations of those forces.
For a long time, software was considered by patent law as a form of applied math.
FORBES: The Big Fix #3: How To Untangle The Mess With Software Patents
NWFP, controlled by Pathan tribal leaders rather than the government, disputes are settled and crimes punished according to a rough form of justice that combines sharia Islamic law and the tribal code.
The measures introduced by the EUTR form part of the Bloc's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan, which was published in 2003.
Together this band of late night policymakers agreed a piece of law to establish and underpin future royal charters, a medieval form of documentation first used in 1066, most commonly to turn towns into cities.