Moreover, the programme has enabled the Kingdom to create strong synergies between the formal and non-formal education systems.
In this framework the purpose of the Amigos de la Patagonia Association is to promote water protection and awareness through formal and non-formal education programmes in Argentina.
The event will create dialogue between young people, policy-makers, practitioners and researchers to promote meaningful youth engagement within different levels of formal and non-formal education and training sectors.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
To this end, UNESCO will be promoting the inclusion of MIL in formal and non-formal education systems through its Model Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teacher Education, which will be released soon.
Recognising the value of the free time that most prisoners have in prison, many correctional institutions offer skills and vocational training as well as formal and non-formal education programmes as complimentary parts of a sentence.
The integration of intangible cultural heritage into educational curricula and programmes can improve both formal and non-formal education by promoting inter alia intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange, broadening access and cultural relevance, stimulating creativity, increasing intergenerational engagement in the community, etc.
This agreement will allow Conagua to be the host institution in Mexico of the ??Water and Education for the Americas and the Caribbean? programme, in order to carry out formal and non-formal education activities, such as workshops, education material development, dissemination events.
The Forum participants exchanged the experience in the field of adult education, discussed current problems, possible solutions, formulated new tasks and action plans, developed mechanisms to ensure closer cooperation of formal and non-formal education sectors, as well as the development of social partnership.
Its main aim is the connection between the formal and non-formal education by providing paces for multifaceted activities and giving the opportunity to approach issues for sustainable development in the real world, learning the environment, as well as being actively involved and interacting within the communities.
Coordinate and provide substantive support to Member States and other key stakeholders in the form of policy advice and guidance, strategy development, capacity-building and programme design in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Education, through the medium of formal, non-formal and informal education and public awareness-raising.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (20/6/2011) (ED 005 - (P5))
Only then ICT could contribute to building new relationships between schools and their communities, and to bridging the gap between formal, non-formal and informal education.
To provide education for these groups, the National Centre for Non-Formal and Distance Education (NFDE) was established under the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (MECS) to coordinate all the efforts done at the national level.
R.3: Current efforts to safeguard and promote the performance of Fest-Noz are outlined in the nomination, and proposed safeguarding measures, supported by the State and communities concerned, include documentation, promotion, formal education and non-formal transmission of musical and choreographic knowledge.
'Martin Buber's philosophy of education and its implications for non-formal education.
Results of Group Discussion - Group I: Institutionalization of Adult Literacy and Non-Formal Education Programs in Pakistan.
Increase access to quality literacy and non-formal education through innovative literacy and NFE programming.
The toolkit will be used in different pilot training activities supporting 245 literacy and non-formal education facilitators all over Iraq.
Promote and use OER to widen access to education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, in a perspective of lifelong learning, thus contributing to social inclusion, gender equity and special needs education.
According to the NEAP, the focus of literacy and non-formal education programmes is on out-of-school children, youths and adults but especially women and girls and those who have never been to school such as former child soldiers.
Finally, the Honourable Mention of the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy is awarded to the Non-Formal and Continuing Education Programme of the Ministry of Education of Bhutan, for its holistic approach to literacy and its success in reaching remote areas.
In an effort to address these challenges and in order to foster effective post-conflict socio-economic rehabilitation, reconstruction, peace and development, the government of Sierra Leone adopted the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) through which extensive literacy and non-formal education programmes were initiated.
In the framework of the Water World Week celebrated in Stockholm, Sweden, on 16th August, 2008 the National Water Commission (CONAGUA), together with the International Hydrological Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the WET International Project (Water Education for Teachers) signed an agreement, aimed at fostering high-quality water education, particularly for formal and non-formal educators in Mexico.
In addition, it has increased funding for schools development, resources procurement, human resources development and adult non-formal education programmes.
However, with support from international organizations, the government set to restructure the education system by introducing laws such as free and compulsory education for children up to age 16, and increased the budgets for school system expansion, human resources development and adult non-formal education programmes.
Hopefully, this development initiative will create a groundswell of support from all sectors, both government and private, of reaching out to unreached communities, bringing the non-formal education, as an alternative pathway to personal growth and ultimately empowerment.
However, it extends beyond formal education to non-formal and informal learning for out-of-school youth and adult citizens.
The RVA of non-formal and informal learning is indeed gaining relevance with regard to education and training policy.
The Association of UNESCO Clubs of Belarus together with local and international partners hosts the IV Festival of Non-formal Education.
Equally important, the State also established large-scale non-formal educational programmes for youths and adults and recruited people with any level of education to work as educators.
The aim of the European Youth Forum during this week is to stress the wide potential and the pivotal role played by youth organizations in delivering non-formal education.