Prof Christy makes the distinction - crucial to scientists - between draft papers for discussion and final, complete ones that go into academic journals and become part of the formal literature of science.
Motivated by my own experience of the civil service tendency to hold things close to the chest, one of the first things I did after becoming chief scientific adviser was to set out formal guidelines for handling science advice in policy making.
It gave me the confidence to work as a middle school science teacher in a Mexican barrio in San Diego, California even though I had no formal education training or experience with the culture.
To provide education for these groups, the National Centre for Non-Formal and Distance Education (NFDE) was established under the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (MECS) to coordinate all the efforts done at the national level.
Popularizing science includes all activities that communicate scientific knowledge and scientific methods to the public, outside the formal setting of classrooms.