The RAW data format provides pure data for high-resolution images, and uses lossless compression for more compact, yet uncompromised, data files.
ENGADGET: Sigma DP3 Merrill packs a Foveon X3 sensor and a fixed F2.8, 75mm-equivalent lens
The lack of data sets received on a regular basis, the lack of an industry standard format for data set composition, and the composition of data sets that were unformatted or too large for computers to process without crashing.
The RAW data format of the camera keep brightness and color data in a 1:1 ratio without relying on interpolation.
ENGADGET: Sigma DP3 Merrill packs a Foveon X3 sensor and a fixed F2.8, 75mm-equivalent lens
Both the 3D data (MPO format) and the JPEG data are saved. 3D Photo can be used in Auto (after the first shot is complete, the second shot will automatically be taken once the camera is moved to match the target) and Manual (after the first shot is complete, the user takes the second shot after matching the semi-transparent layers).
ENGADGET: Olympus introduces Stylus SP-820UZ, SP-720UZ cameras and SZ-14 binocular bundle
Even if Blu-ray were to fail as a packaged media format (anything can happen), it would live on as a data storage format.
These tags are similar in concept to the familiar HTML labels that help format text and other data on webpages. in the past six months has gained notoriety as a proponent of MP3 (Motion Picture Experts Group, Audio Layer 3), a format for compressing audio data so that it can be downloaded easily over a network.
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Wheeler's breakthrough was to rejigger the data into a format that allowed entries to be linked by similarity, instead of the exact matches required with most relational databases.
One new device, which Cisco calls the "Media Experience Engine, " lives in a company's data center and translates video data from one format to another so that it can be displayed on anything from a smart phone to a telepresence screen.
Much medical data is in text format and is not structured in a way computers can understand.
Everybody wants their data in the same format so they can look over multiple asset classes.
And we will require all local councils to publish information like meeting minutes and local service data in a standardised format.
PlayStation Plus members will be able to automatically update PlayStation Mobile format software and upload game save data onto online storage using 3G connection.
ENGADGET: PlayStation Vita's firmware update 2.10 adding folders, enhanced video playback
InfoGlide's Similarity Search Engine converts data into a hierarchical format so that all transactions of an individual can be called up, as well as those of people with similar but not identical traits.
Since the data is in excel format you can easily sum the number of people who left the country from 1990 to 2001 (39 million) versus the number of people that entered the country within the same period (43.6 million).
Vivisimo helps capture data across a range of data sources, irrespective of format.
Another issue is ensuring that the data is stored in a format that makes it available in centuries to come.
The powerful processor can output image data in 14-bit RAW format, giving advanced users total freedom to express their creative vision throughout the shooting and post-production processes.
Additionally, the D3100 is compatible with the new SDXC memory card format to store large amounts of photo and video data so users can shoot multiple scenes without interruption.
ENGADGET: Nikon D3100 gets real, adds 1080p movie mode with continuous autofocus
For each sensor at the station site, 1-minute data samples shall be transmitted in CREX format via the public geostationary meteorological satellites (METEOSAT or GOES) every 5 minutes and every five minutes via the redundant transmission option.
The data is presented in a semi-logarithmic format: steady growth appears as a straight line on a semi-log chart.
Creating accurate data visualizations is definitely more challenging when the format in which it is received is not clear.
The data collection system employs a bottom-up format, in which the facilitators report to the coordinator of their municipality who reports to the regional supervisor.
Patzer said his free site -- which recently hit the million-user milestone -- brings together all of that data in an easy-to-use format that allows for a fuller personal finance picture.
Blu-ray DiscTM is the next-generation optical disc format for high definition audio-video and high-capacity data software applications.
The challenge is validating that data and either structuring it or putting it into a format that you can analyze and make decisions.
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MeLLmo, a start-up, has created an app called Roambi that takes data from big financial systems and presents them in graphical format on smartphones and tablets.
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Built with a focus on high quality audio and video reproduction, with a compatible TV, the new line offers pristine 3D video via the latest HDMI standard, 1.4a, allowing for passage of the high data transfer rate required by the Blu-ray 3D format.
ENGADGET: Pioneer's 3D Blu-ray compatible, Netflix streaming player triumvirate now shipping
Directors Desk enables its users to hold online board meetings where pivotal corporate data is shared among the attending board members in .pdf format.
Similarly, the Green Button team at the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology is working collaboratively with industry to enable millions of residential and commercial energy customers to securely download and share their own energy usage data in a standardized human-readable and machine-readable format directly from their utilities.